Cute game that I finished very fast. Lost out a little bit because I kind of forced myself to play it while tired, but there's a whole lot to do. I really appreciate it for what it is.

This game sucks so much ass I cannot believe it. I heard so much good about this supposed classic that I was willing to rope in one of my friends to play it with me. Whether or not he will ever forgive me has yet to be determined. This game barely functions and the story is nonsense. You are relentlessly spammed with the most unfun bosses that are always dispatched by spamming magic. This means pausing the game and selecting the same spell over and over again until they stop moving. At least there are a couple good songs I guess?

Picked this game up because it looked kinda cute, and it is. Unfortunately the gameplay leaves a lot to be desired. You just walk around and collect cats between boring bosses and cutscenes. The game controls like ass but it mostly wasn't that big of a deal until the end. The last level and the last few bosses were very obnoxious for me. I wish the levels were more interesting and you got to keep the jetpack that only exists in one area. Game is really short, but I think it would have gotten pretty boring if it went on much longer as it is. I like the tsundere cat-girl.

Insane that I just got done playing Armored Core, which also happens to have an insufferable moving platform section at the very end.

Bought this shit for like $5 in 2012. One full star since I sat through it. Although that's probably more a testament to my patience than the quality of a game. Process of elimination sim. No clue why this was one of the original greenlight projects.

This game was really rough starting off but after I got my bearings with the controls and equipment I started having a lot of fun. I still feel like I was mostly stumbling through the game but those moments of lucidity that had me styling on enemies were really satisfying. The whole game is admittedly really repetitive but I somehow managed to stay engaged. It's probably because of the potential for customization and working towards the next upgrade.

The game could definitely explain things to you better. In fact, it really doesn't explain anything at all. I was diving through guides for a pretty significant amount of time, which likely removed a lot of friction. I'd probably like the game a lot less if I hadn't done so. The last level of the game is insanity and came very close to making me close and just watch the ending. I understood most of the story but it was conveyed terribly outside of emails and mission descriptions.

Had some fun. Will consider playing the sequels.

I bought this game on a whim after seeing it for the first time on the release date and I don't regret it for a second. The chrono games are one of the few JRPG series I can tolerate and I saw many comparisons in the reviews. Safe to say I was not disappointed.

This game takes a lot of what I consider obnoxious about playing JRPGs and streamlines it. The greatest example being automatic healing after all battles which removes the dread from dungeon encounters and allows all encounters to be more interesting on average. I personally really enjoyed the battle system. The overdrive meter was weird initially, but I think it added some necessary depth so you don't just mash your best skills. There are some times where the combat got a bit grating and that was during backtracking and some sky armor sections. The sky armor combat is decidedly less fun for me. Also there is effectively zero grinding. Bless.

The story is serviceable, and it's not really anything to write home about. It never really goes above and beyond. You'll begin to notice some patterns and tropes that can be distracting. The writing has some low points and sometimes some more modern slang slips in that feels out of place.

What this game does NOT streamline is the MENUS. I began to groan every time I got new equipment and skill points to spend because the obscene amount of menus it entails. Skill points is only really an issue when you hit a critical mass of party members, but equipment can be brutal. There is a gem system that involves collecting, combining, and embedding effects into your equipment. It is not very intuitive to do and can get really overwhelming. My biggest issue was spending a bunch of time upgrading and embedding by weapons just to find something better in the next dungeon. Thus I would have to upgrade and move gems all over again. All this exacerbated by the menus being really weird in general.

I encountered a number of goofy bugs but nothing that ruined or crashed the game. Apparently most of this game is by one guy so I can forgive some jank for all it does well. It's not often that I can enjoy a whole 60 hours of a game. Big ups to this one.

I think this game has some decent potential with how it translated the feel of Castlevania into 16 bits and expanded on the move set. I don't really feel like it stuck the landing though. The game looks nice a majority of the time. I feel like it would have benefitted from smaller sprites and more screen real estate. The difficulty seemed to spike up real suddenly around the half way point. Levels got a lot more annoying with enemy placements and spikes. Bosses at the end of the game are the most obnoxious part by far. In some sections I felt like I was fighting the controls around jank stairs and the various moving platforms.

A lot of the music is really disappointing. I know some people consider it "atmospheric" but I wish they would've stuck with more upbeat tunes. The late game has good stuff but that's just because it's new versions of the OG stuff.

I was most excited for this when playing through the NES trilogy and admittedly I'm a bit disappointed. Liked playing it though.

I didn't have many expectations going into my first Halo campaign but this seems about what should be expected from its first go. It starts off pretty strong but as the game goes on the flaws become even more apparent. The gunplay in this game feels pretty underwhelming against stronger enemies. Someone below described them as water guns and I kinda get that.

One of the most offensive things to me was how the levels devolve into copy pasted McDonalds Play Places with seemingly endless enemies pouring out. The level with Guilty Spark was unbearable. I played most of the game with the original visuals but it got extremely dark in places and the flashlight is both limited and bad. I would switch to the updated visuals to get past those parts since it was easier to see. Areas where it was just a billion enemies in a field annoyed me.

I can see why people liked this a lot when it first came out. I thought it was pretty mid but I didn't despise it, at least not the most of the time.

All sci-fi shooters come from System Shock btw it's facts

This was like watching a movie. I was entertained, although the exploration wasn't overly interesting. I got kinda bored of running back and forth between the same 3 locations. At least the story was interesting enough to keep me going. A nice use of a few hours. I don't regret playing it.

This review contains spoilers

Writing this fresh off of completing the game. This is the video game equivalent of an A24 movie. Now that it's over I can't say I understood all of it but I undeniably enjoyed it. There's a certain 'je ne sais quoi' that makes it rise above a lot of the frustrations I had with it. The ending I got had me catching some feelings, which says a lot.

If you've played Silent Hill games this will feel strangely familiar. This is for better or for worse because it's got similarly annoying combat with level design that reminds me of Silent Hill 3. I'm also reminded of the inventory system from Silent Hill 4; a divisive feature of that game taken to an extreme in this one. Really obnoxious only being able to hold 6 items at a time. I know what the purpose of mechanics like this are in a survival horror game but I rarely (if ever) feel like it enhances the horror experience at all.

There's a lot of reading to do and vocabulary to learn in this game, which you kinda have to buy into if you want to get invested. I tried my best to do so where I normally wouldn't and I got something out of it. The ending is apparently influenced by how you play the game, which I feel good about because I was pleased with my ending. However, I can imagine the worse endings being a lot less satisfying. The game pretends to end once which I almost fell for. Its kinda cool in how it ties to the story, but it feels stupid in the moment because I came close to closing the game and spoiling myself.

Very cool experience, we'll see how I feel about it as my thoughts settle. I hope the real future sees this many cute girl robots. Preferably without the dystopian military state.

What you see is what you get. Fun!

Not much to say. I got a bit frustrated by physics BS. Last level was really annoying. I've been binging a lot of these little redditcore low poly games and I really wish they showed a bit more character. Mind you they don't have no character at all, just nothing to make the experience memorable.

Super Paper Mario is a pretty decent game. It's gameplay is serviceable for how long it is. It gets a lot of praise for its story but I actually believe the gameplay does it a huge disservice by deflating important moments. The characters are great and all but I can't help but feel let down when the final showdown is over in under 30 seconds. While the initial interactions between Peach, Bowser, and Luigi are enjoyable they practically don't exist after the fact which is a huge letdown. If this game was repackaged into an RPG similar to its predecessor I think it really could be amazing (Yes I am one of those people).

The main mechanic of switching back and forth from 3D very rarely (if ever) gets expanded upon. The addition of other characters is cool but they are unable to be in 3D which doesn't help it as a primary mechanic. Generally their character specific abilities are used on the most surface level. I literally only used peach to bridge the occasional large gap. The same can kinda be applied to pixls where it seems like they only exist to gate progression. If you hit a roadblock you just flip through some menus to figure out which ability is the "key." Any interesting puzzles don't interact with these abilities.

Having two pits is cool but requiring you to do the 2nd one twice is incredibly dumb. I don't care how good the reward is.

To be clear, I am a Pokémon fan and I’d go as far to say I pretty massively enjoyed playing this video game. I want to give it a much higher rating. Unfortunately there is no amount of fun that justifies the performance and visual quality in current year. It’s all been said a million times so I wont harp on it too long. I am part of the problem since game freak has my $60, but we will continue to see games like this until a mainline game manages to crash and burn for it (never).

If you like the series you will always like the new game, plain and simple. They know what has worked and that will not change. The changes that do exist are generally welcome but somehow there are still steps back from Legends.

I wouldn’t say the open world is good at all, but the structure of it helps the game a lot. The world level doesn’t scale or anything but the progression literally just goes bottom up so it’s hard to fuck up. I like that there are 3 separate quests that add up to the main story. I wish they felt more important before the straight up climax. I also wish gym leaders were actually challenging. Music ranges from mid to badass.

Defending this game’s faults makes you delusional, but it’s still an enjoyable game. Calling it garbage, while true in some capacity, is equally annoying. However, this game’s quality is indefensibly poor for the biggest franchise in human history. If you are on the fence, do not follow my example. do not support this game.

I think I enjoy this game on paper but it ends up being kinda annoying. The entire premise is upending everything to kill tiny spiders. My gameplay was more like whack-a-mole with the pan since it 1 shot everything. I feel like there's actually too many weapons and things to do on top of hunting the spiders and I didn't want to do the extra work. Someone out there vibes with this game enough to get decent completion but that person is not me.