Quick and snappy like a shotgun to the face. I love gambling

My favourite game in my favourite video game series. Dragon Quest is absolutely a game that had its identity and heart from the very beginning, but IV is when it really hits its stride.
IV is the game where they truly begin with the narrative structure the series is most associated with, but it isn't something it approached with trepidation. This is a damn confident video game. This is a game that understands the structure its going for and isn't afraid to experiment with that. The Torneko chapter in particular forces the player to play the game in a very different manner to how they were before it and that's very compelling!
Pair this with, frankly, the best antagonist the series has ever seen and you have a strong contender for my favourite game ever made. Play this game. Please, play this game.

This game was absolutely revolutionary but honestly - you played this game recently? It's a bit of a nightmare! The vibes are absolutely immaculate and as a GTA game it's absolutely fun to fuck around in but the core design of the missions leaves a lot to be desired.

comfort food. its probably not good for me, but i eat it anyway

I'm tired so my thoughts on this might not be coherent, but here we go.
I had this game recommended a few times by a good friend, he knew I'd love it - you've seen my rating, I certainly did.
I went in expecting a murder mystery, but I found myself waiting for a murder that would never come. I'm glad it didn't, because if it did this game wouldn't be as special.
It's a mystery game to be sure, but there's no whodunnit, instead the game shows you this small cast of interesting characters who all have their own secrets. A hotel is only as interesting as the people in it, and this game knows that.
When I think back on this game I won't be thinking of the "overarching" mystery, because it's not about that. When I think back to it I'll be thinking of the night I spent in Hotel Dusk, the people I met there.

One of the greatest games ever made, oozes with the style that made the others similarly stick, now feeling better than ever. NMH3 concludes the arc set up in TSA incredibly well, both serve as a much more natural continuation to Travis's character than 2.