Games others love that i don't.

Note that i don't necessarily dislike all of these games, i just don't love them as much as others do.

By no means do i think melee is bad, but its not the most impressive game in terms of the content it offers. The gameplay feels pretty terrible and unresponsive to me as a person who has not spend hours perfecting it to play competitively.
Similar to melee, i know some people who are very into this game competitively but i just find it extremely boring and uninteresting.
I can understand people liking MGS3. i can NOT understand people thinking its the best MGS game. The gameplay was improved upon in every way in MGS4, and the story is just... not that interesting until you get to the very end. Even then its not nearly as emotional as something like MGS4.
This game showed me that i am just not meant to play 2D sonic games. Its easy to get lost, theres plenty of unfair traps that the player could never react to, and terrible mechanics such as drowning. I was able to forgive these things more in older sonic games cause they're... old, but this came out in 2017.
People telling me this is the best COD game ever doesn't speak too well of cod for me. The levels are visually interesting but nothing crazy gameplay wise, and the story is one of the worst, edgiest, most incoherently written stories I've ever had the misfortune of experiencing.
I definitely don't hate stardew valley, i just couldn't stick to it because the game barely tells you what to do in order to achieve your objective, so i just get bored whenever i play it.
Having heard this is one of the best versions of tetris ever, when i played it i was disappointment to find out it feels more dated to control than the NES version.


1 month ago

Stardew valley has to be one of the biggest disconnect I've felt with gamers, tried it plenty of times, no dice.

1 month ago

very relatable on stardew valley, was super bored of it (i thot id like it since i was addicted to animal crossing mobile) even my mom saw it and said "oh honey, we need to get you a better game"

tbh i dont get the hype for mgs3, while i think its the best i do personally love 2&4 more and sometimes im thinking like "jesus christ you guys treat it like its the gaming equivalent to the bible

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