It's not very good. Also it's somehow too powerful for Air Canada's airplane computer system to run beyond like 15 FPS.

Maybe its because i was playing the console version, but it feels really bad on a ps3 controller and isn't super fun for more than 30 seconds.

One piece unlimited world red, though flawed, is a fun action game that will appeal to anyone that likes one piece. The games main issue is that it expects you to enter all of its levels numerous times in order to collect resources to build up the town which serves as your hub world, however all of the levels are extremely linear in design and would work much better if you only had to visit them once. Still every level is quite a treat to play through on your first time and you'll see and fight many familiar faces from the manga. The game's combat is very simple and somewhat mindless, but still fun, however suffers during boss fights due to a lack of readability of the enemies attack patterns, especially on the tiny 3DS screen. Definitely the strongest part of the game is its story. Though it doesn't quite hold up when compared to something you could actually find in one piece, it was written by Oda himself and has some fun character interactions, a great villain, and a very sweet ending. Overall i enjoyed one piece: unlimited world red a lot despite its issues.

This is a good but very noticeably aged arcade style Tetris game. It is primarily designed to be played with two players, but you can still play a single player infinite marathon game if you'd like. The main problems all come from its age. Blocks lock into place very fast, there is no hold feature, and the game barely tells you what pieces are on their way. It is a solid Tetris game and i had fun with it, but its not the single player Tetris game i was hoping for on switch.

This game is a shockingly bad start to a great series. it controls like complete absolute garbage. Played it on the SF 30th anniversary collection.

This is a super great version of Tetris. There are tons of unique game modes, many of which still have yet to reappear in any new Tetris games. The Nintendo entertainment system music and visuals are all awesome and makes the game have a very strong personality to it. My one complaint is the game-play takes place on the bottom screen for some reason.

A solid collection of playable street fighter games, along with some cool behind the scenes bonuses. Accessing every mode in every one of its games is very easy with its streamlined menu system, the online matches are still fairly active at least on switch, And all of the old street fighter games are very fun to play even if i am very very bad at them.

I came for the Tetris and stayed for the PuyoPoyo. This game is one of the best crossover games ever made and one of the best puzzle games ever made. Tetris is one of the best games ever made. PuyoPuyo is one of the best games ever made. Tetris Vs PuyoPuyo in an epic storymode IS the best game ever made.

A good little puzzle game for the DS. Its completely different from the other Mario vs DK games in the sense that its a top down tile based puzzle game rather than a side scrolling puzzle platformer. Each level is fun enough, but this games biggest problem is in its presentation. The music is all pretty bad so i mostly just played with the sound off, for a Mario game the visuals are very boring and samey, and even for Mario standards the story is completely non existent. All in all its a fine game with some fun puzzles and nothing more.

Seems like a pretty good game by call of duty standards.

I don't understand how anyone enjoys this

This game is available on the internet archive, so i went in expecting a fun nostalgic version of Tetris, but wow this is bad. The game is very choppy and lacks features that were present in the NES versions of Tetris. Also the game has no sound except for some ear destroying crackling noise whenever you clear a row of blocks.