I cant judge this as a basketball game as i know nothing about basket ball, but i can tell that this is made with a very high quality and extreme polish in every way. Better than the new 2K games at least.

This has all the same problems as the first game but with some new modes. It's still not fun beyond the first level but i can still see why It's loved and me and my brother used to have a lot of fun in the 2 player mode.

This game is so fun for the first level before becoming a boring difficult slog. It must have been revolutionary for its time and i understand why it's loved, but as someone with no nostalgia for it I can't have fun playing it now and i will probably never beat it.

It has its charm but it is ridiculously clunky and does not feel very good to control. it doesn't have a whole lot of modes either. A fun little experience on the SNES but nothing more.

It's weird that there are two extremely similar gacha games that are both Final Fantasy on the app-store at once but OK i guess. it runs terribly and i can barely launch the game, and seemingly like most gachas is not really worth playing.

Typical NES game than can be kinda fun for 5 minutes before the difficulty level randomly spikes to extreme unfair difficulties that are supposed to be meant for arcade games to make money.

Playing this with a friend made me realize not only does the base game still suck, the multiplayer sucks too.

I dont think this is a terribly good game but i used to love it so much. it was the first true open world i ever really explored and it was fascinating. the combat was clunky but i never got tired of just riding around the desert at night fighting off enemies animals and monsters. Its very grand for a mobile game, and especially one of its age.

At one point this was the best mobile game ever. unfortunately when they removed 2 player local battles on the same screen for no reason me and my brother stopped playing. the game-play is otherwise the same now but way more aggressively monetized.

A very generic shooter that happens to also be battle royal. played in 2018 - 2019 and then forgot about it.

A neat take on final fantasy design-wise for mobile devices. the game-play is fun, the presentation is great and overall it just really feels like a fully fledged game. My main problem with it is that it constantly needs new downloads even after you already own the game, and it takes up a ridiculous amount of storage space for what it is. (when i deleted it it was half the size of the legend of zelda botw. it uses pixel graphics.)

A garbage league of legends style one piece game with tons of gacha elements. also expects you to get a 3GB data download after you get the game, and puts in a request to track every single waking moment of your life.

2 Stars because its polished and looks decent.

Imagine playing street fighter but you can't play street fighter and instead you just have to watch a CPU play street fighter. The game also manages to be way too simple while also being completely overly convoluted at the same time with its items system. The character artwork is awful and in many cases I'll say it feels very tailored to basement dwellers. At the very least it runs smoothly and has a stronger polish than most mobile games.

I was made to download this from an ad so i could get some free gems in another garbage mobile game. it is actual garbage. It's boring and I can't even really figure out what the "gameplay" is supposed to be cause all you do is click through boring dialogue.

This game looks like it would be so cool but it straight up can not get past the loading screen without crashing.