This game is available on the internet archive, so i went in expecting a fun nostalgic version of Tetris, but wow this is bad. The game is very choppy and lacks features that were present in the NES versions of Tetris. Also the game has no sound except for some ear destroying crackling noise whenever you clear a row of blocks.

If you can find a way to actually download this game (which was a difficult process) its actually a fairly fleshed out Tetris app that even still has a few remaining active players.

Seems kind of neat. it was pretty accurate with the date it collected but its a bit creepy it records you all night.

I was a bit worried when i saw this was developed by Ubisoft, but its actually a great port. it has download play, great multiplayer, and the visual style makes me almost prefer it over Tetris Axis. even the online mode is more streamlined though no one plays it online anymore. Its the best Tetris game on 3DS at least.

A decent port of Tetris with some weird issues that hold it back. While the online battle system was great, there are only 2 modes, the music is ear gratingly terrible, the game-play is on the bottom screen for some reason, and there is no download play. Again its not the worst port of Tetris but its far from the best on the DS.

One of the best versions of Tetris. The 3DS is the perfect fit for it and the game has its own very unique visual style to help it stand apart from other Tetris games. It has tons of game modes too to mix them up and keep it from getting repetitive, however the thing the most important about this version that really sets it apart the most to me at least was actually the inclusion of download play. Multiplayer is one of the best modes in Tetris and the ability to play with another person without 2 copies of the game is an excellent feature.

When you boot up the cartridge you can pick either of the 2 games included inside. they're both neat games but flawed in a lot of ways.

This game is kind off a rip off because even if you buy the disc you still need to purchase each game separately. its basically a launcher that you pay for. i did like the mini-games when i was younger though

A game that definitely seems designed for the pc ported to the DS really badly.

Can we get much higher? So high
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh
Can we get much higher? So high
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh
Can we get much higher? So high
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh
Can we get much higher? So high
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh

Anyways this is a terrible version of Tetris

I'm sure these would be cool if they actually worked. also i lost all my cards.

A really high quality port of Tetris. plays great and even has some features lacking from other modern version of the game such as blocks changing in colour to let you know how much time you have before your tetrimo locks in place after making contact with the bottom of the stage.

This game could have been great if there were more than 10 single player levels. You essentially have a tutorial level that showcases all of the fun tactics RPG mechanics used, and then your reward for completing it is absolutely nothing. You can play multiplayer or just infinitely play randomly generated levels with no goals. Still I'm sure this game would be fun to play with friends and it is a high quality game for a DSiware title.

Im not convinced this game actually exitsts and i think this listing might be a prank. i have searched far and wide across archived McDonalds Spain web pages and looked extensively for any information on this game at all but have found absolutely nothing. there was a McDonalds chicken nugget Tetris game released much more recently but that is all i can find.

- Edit: IT EXISTS... on the Chinese McDonalds website. aside from the fact that i cant read it, it really really sucks. its absolutely terrible.