Honestly I can't really get into it much. Too much of a time sink for something like this.

A really fun semi-realistic shooter. Best known as the PTSD Simulator.

Fun little game and not really much more than that. Good with friends.

One of the my favorite games of all time and it has absolutely no right to be among them. I have no intention of ever finishing this game, but I do intend to treasure my memories of it.

I don't really get the appeal very much but it's alright I guess.

Come for the characters, stay to lose all of your money. The true gambling simulator.

Honestly a really fun game if you have either the time or the PC to handle it.

Honestly, despite it being fun at times, I could never really get into it. Music's kickass, though.

I honestly really like this game and the genre-blending nature of how its FPS and RTS mechanics interact. The worst parts about it is that it's a laggy game for me and that these kinds of games pretty much require cooperation that most of the time I'm not able to really do.

The superior Chivalry in pretty much every way. Just play this game instead of that and you'll have a much better time.

Best for being the funny meme game with the voices and not really much else.

Don't ask how I know about this game.

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A strange, short, sweet video game. Its main gimmick largely revolves around it secretly being a survey. Can literally complete it in 15 minutes.

Pretty much just Chivalry but with magic.