Very frustrating game that I nonetheless keep coming back to.

I keep picking up this game to play it for some reason despite the fact that I don't think it's very good. In short, the ultimate time-waster for me.

Terrifying game I have no intention on ever finishing.

I spent 99 hours on this for some reason.

Obscure little game. Quite nice, although can't really say I remember much other than the ending which I thought was kinda BS.

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Very scary game. By far the scariest part was when I had to face down these big dudes with sledgehammers that kept darting in and out of the shadows to kill me. Such a fucking stressful part of the game.

Honestly an underrated game that deserves more attention. Played it periodically and it was fun every time.

Very nice game. Love the story. Multiple endings!

Very fun game up until I could barely play it without either lagging or getting my butt kicked.

One of the most annoying games I've ever played that I couldn't bother to properly finish. It is also one of the most beautiful, real, and downright excellent games I've ever played as well. If you can stomach its difficulty, play this game, because it's unforgettable.

Also the music is far and away the best part about it. I'm still in awe of it to this day.

Don't like the multiplayer, the singleplayer is alright.

Almost as fun as Modern Warfare and about as memorable too. Spent a lot of time playing multiplayer on the Xbox when I still had it for it.

Honestly the best out of all of the Call of Duty games by virtue of not being total war propaganda. Very fun gameplay and an actual story that works.

Quite a scary game, but also really difficult and buggy. Might pick it back up to play it some more.

Very fun game that I should honestly get back into playing at some point.