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SevenForce earned the Well Written badge

7 hrs ago

SevenForce earned the Loved badge

7 hrs ago

SevenForce completed The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes
Tri Force Heroes is a good game, but you absolutely need two other people to experience the game properly. Single player won't cut it for this one. They shouldn't have given the option for single player given that's why people seem to hate the game.

It's a multiplayer Zelda game built off of A Link Between Worlds. What I really liked about this one is that players will get different dungeon items from each other, meaning that they have to play different roles during the mission. For example: one player will get a water rod that allows the other players to reach higher elevations, while another player will get a boomerang that can move other players across gaps. The people you're playing with really rely on you for your role, which means teamwork is crucial. Players have to work together to defeat bosses and solve puzzles. In my opinion that's a lot more interesting than just letting one player do all the work. I don't play that many multiplayer games but I find this sort of co-op where each team member is necessary for success to be very enjoyable. In some games co-op multiplayer can feel like you're just playing single player with another person onscreen. Tri Force Heroes shows the value of multiplayer games that are actually designed around communicating and cooperating with your team members. But that also means you have to find people willing to cooperate in order to beat a full multiplayer Zelda game together and that's easier said than done.

Most people don't want to play a multiplayer Zelda game, but I'm here to tell you that you should. Tri Force Heroes is super underrated and a lot more fun than some of the single player games like Phantom Hourglass or Spirit Tracks. It's just as worth playing through as the mainline games, but unfortunately you may never get the chance to play it. So here's hoping Nintendo ports this game and the Four Swords games to their newest platform to show fans that multiplayer Zelda is actually good.

7 hrs ago

SevenForce commented on bwoe's review of Hi-Fi Rush
Not a bad idea. These companies are announcing studio closures and layoffs more than they're announcing games

2 days ago

SevenForce commented on SevenForce's review of Devil May Cry
@Jiqian The combat definitely feels different than the newer ones. On the one hand I enjoyed the combat when the camera was still but on the other hand when the camera randomly shifted I wanted to stop playing. I do think there's unique value in DMC 1, I just didn't enjoy my casual playthrough very much so I'd rather be playing other games that I like more

4 days ago

SevenForce commented on CynamonVDG's review of Better Call Saul
It was good for what it was. A show about a lawyer was never going to be as interesting as Breaking Bad though

5 days ago

SevenForce commented on SevenForce's review of Devil May Cry
@Caleruega Maybe I'll try out DMC 2 with the definitive edition mod

5 days ago

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