9 reviews liked by Seyd

With its Unique Rhythm-Based Combat That's Easy to learn but hard to master combined with its amazing Visual and Audio Design That makes you feel every hit and beat. Capped off with it's great writing that had me bursting laughing one minute, and cheering on the cast the next, Hi-Fi Rush is a Must-Play for anyone who Loves Character Action games or Rhythm Games.

TFW you've got 5 Heat cops on you, and you run into an active race with 5 Heat cops on them. 👀

This is the most alive video game I've played in a while. Like, wow. Genuinely impressed by this whole thing.

The first time I played it was just a perfect platformer game for me.
Every level, every detail, controls, mechanics... They were really satisfying. And each time I failed, I wanted to try again immediately. It was just the perfect game.

A couple of years later, the second time I played this was a bit different. It was still a perfect platformer but in addition to that, I started to notice what the story of the game was telling. During my second run, I was struggling with a lot of stress and some other problems in my personal life. So, the characters and the whole story felt really different this time. Every little detail about the story touched me in a way. It was beautiful.

ermm 😳😳😳😳 i..... THINK i might have a... lets just say a little 🤌crush on the narrator.... 😳😳😳 stanley... im sorry 😳

As my suffering ended, it left me craving for more.
The architecture is brilliant, I've never appreciated a game's level design this much. It inspires me that how amazingly executed the areas are, in the first half.

My favorite bosses are
> Artorias
> Ornstein and Smough
> Kalameet

Basically all the ones which gave me difficulty.
10/10, would play again.

Now imma play DS3 or smth.

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Bleakest of all so far — and while it starts out saying it's the shortest, it's so far also the longest one, too. It even has credits and everything — I imagine that Higurashi initially ended here, now that it's playing all the mystery cards at once.

Ch 3 opens with an overwhelming sense of "mono no aware"; even as the slice of life days happen, Keiichi knows those days are numbered and will one day just disappear. He starts to act with increased urgency to preserve those days. He even recognises Oishi from the onset as a herald of those days ending.

It's almost like the stories are connected ...

This story from the onset is trying to shake up your assumptions from the previous chapters. Events coexist with other events; the chapters are interrelated; and other "continuities" bleed into each other here. Or do they?

Tatarigoroshi actually perfects the blend here from the previous chapters. The slice of life doesn't suddenly shatter into the mystery; it gradually gives way, erodes off. Keiichi seems so easily tilted that it seems more like he has inexplicable psychological bruises ... in this chapter I started to think that perhaps Keiichi isn't really real; perhaps he's someone else stuck in hell, since the pleasant daydreams of life always inexplicably go sour...

There's so many intensely memorable moments here. The longest day and the longest night feel long as you're trapped with Keiichi slowly planning out and executing a murder, and it's done perfectly. Having the cops appear from the shadows to find a corpse that isn't there, and then recede just as easily. Satoko being slow boiled, stuck outside a hospital in a towel, staring at you in disbelief, almost herself...



My childhood game, I spent hours on this game on my old pc. Very cool 2D side-scrolling action game, unfortunately for the period of its release it had unsuccess. For me one little jewel.

MaeBea the real friends were the time we spent in the woods... trying to unfold the mystery...

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