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susieepsirose earned the Replay '14 badge

7 hrs ago

susieepsirose finished Disney's The Emperor's New Groove
Enjoyed this quite a bit! I honestly think it's up their with toy story 2 and bug's life with how fun of a disney platformer it is! Pretty underrated gem and if you're itching for a new platformer this one isn't a bad one to play!

1 day ago

3 days ago

susieepsirose finished Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters
Great followup to 1! Feels less unfair in parts, the new eddy mechanic is fun and helps with getting an edge, and fights just feel a lot better (besides that wily fight). Enjoyed this a lot and can see myself replaying it time to time

7 days ago

susieepsirose finished Mega Man: The Power Battle
Pretty fun arcade game with a lot of replay value. Enjoyed all the different routes and characters and the game isn't that hard with only 1 death each route for me. Glad i checked this out.

7 days ago

susieepsirose finished Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
wow i ended up enjoying this a lot more then i expected! Super fun combat with really fun items to pick up, a bopping ost, cool boss batles and a cool style this game fucking rocks. Only issue is that it overstays its welcome by the end i was pretty exhausted

8 days ago

susieepsirose finished Crow Country
Wow I loved the utter hell out of this and then some. A phenomenal love letter to the survival horror genre that, while is a little easy (got an s rank my first run without really trying), the sheer love and care put in this game makes it stand out in the genre. I adore the silent hill influences, it's very accessible for newcomers of the genre, puzzles are fun to figure out and not unfair, and the plot had me hooked especially with that ending. If you're a fan of survival horror at all then this is a must play in the genre.

10 days ago

susieepsirose finished Sonic Generations
Genuinely one of Sonic's best. Has some low points no doubt (the final boss and planet wisp is awful) but the stages are a joy to run through with so many different routes and possibilities for you to discover. Never gets old no matter the replay!

10 days ago

susieepsirose finished Knights of the Round
Level up mechanic makes this one really fun honestly. Has some egregious difficulty spikes but the overall package is fantastic. Had a great time with this one and I highly recc giving it a shot!

12 days ago

susieepsirose earned the Adored badge

12 days ago

susieepsirose finished CastingPlz
Didn't vibe with this too much honestly. Felt kinda slow and clumsy and me and my gf kinda just fumbled around. neat idea though I'll give it that

12 days ago

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