I wasn't a huge fan of the finale, and some of the more emotional story beats fell flat. I could also list a bunch of minor nitpicks, like some bad textures every now and then. However, there's so much to praise about this game that I can't help but still rate the overall package highly.

Rebirth is significantly better than Remake in many ways. The sense of freedom is staggering compared to all the tight hallways of the first game. The open world activities are very fun, and have great rewards. Side quests give added depth to each of your party members. The combat feels even better and more expansive thanks to the new synergy abilities.

I still can't believe how much content this game has, and the majority of it is good too. There's so many enjoyable minigames, especially Queen's Blood. I also can't forget to mention the sheer number of unique songs. Otherwise simple quests are made better by having their own dedicated tracks. Multiple open world areas are greatly enhanced by themes that evoke their setting perfectly.

The main story is far from perfect though. Don't get me wrong, most of it is great. The characters come to life, even more than they did in Remake. It really feels like you're going on an epic journey. If you're a fan of the original, it's hard not to have a smile on you're face during certain moments.

Sadly, some emotional story scenes are dragged down by tonal dissonance and confusing camera cuts. The pacing can also be all over the place at times. The finale didn't really work for me either.

As a video game, I think Rebirth lived up to the hype. As a story, it's a bit messy and convoluted.

Reviewed on Mar 17, 2024
