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1 day ago

ShaneVendrell reviewed Batman: Arkham City

This review contains spoilers

Finally picked this back up. My few months old complaints still definitely hold up but I enjoyed the latter half far more than the first. Origins and Knight are both of my most anticipated games I'm so glad I finally get to play them.

I'll start with the bad since it stands out far more than the good. Asylum was this super grounded small-scale story that utilized every single location and character at its disposal as well as they possibly could. This takes that groundedness and turns it into this massive ultra scale "all the villains are here at once and YOU get to fight them!" slop-pile. They have a gripping ass Joker VS Batman tale but we constantly get ripped away from it by these boring ass side villains that don't need to exist yet. Ra's al Ghul has and never will work as a gripping Batman villain please get his face off of my screen.

The second and most noticeable problem is the map. One of the most ugly, convoluted, and poorly crafted maps I've ever seen. Instead of making something that'd fit their narrative they made some playground for fanservice needy 10 year olds. It's annoying as shit to traverse the city not only because of the terrible map design but also due to getting fucking sniped every 5 seconds by some Joker goon. Then you have to go beat them up which completely distracts from the mission and leaves you with a shitload of wasted time. It's also always so dull and dark and like that might be the point but you can at least make it look interesting? Batman Begins did it The Batman did it ffs Arkham Asylum did it it's not that difficult to make a decent map. I'd say this isn't that big of an issue but I'd be lying because a solid 80% of this game is spent traversing the map and it lowered my enjoyment by a solid margin.

If they wanted to expand on the narrative and world they should've been patient with it. You don't need to have EVERY villain and EVERY inch of Gotham just add a few things. In the first game we didn't even get Gotham basically anything would've been satisfying if they utilized it well but instead they rushed it and gave us this overly massive sloppy mess of a map that's too much for its own good. If you want to add new villains good go ahead but why do we need ALL of them? The Ra's al Ghul and Mayor subplot was so fucking mid dawg I wanted to fall asleep playing ts. Even the bossfight was underwhelming as shit the early Ra's one was decent but still doesn't make up for how boring his existence is. The only thing we actually gained out of the Ra's plotline was Talia who they actually did a really solid job with. They had gold with this Batman VS Joker plot but tainted it with all of these weird ass plotlines that for some reason felt more like the main threat than Joker did for a solid majority of the game.

Even tho I have a LOT of issues with this there's a lot to love. Batman VS The Joker here is so fucking gripping and the ending is near-brilliant. Every time The Joker was on screen I would immediately turn off my music and listen he's so damn entertaining. His little phone calls and gags were so funny and charming they reminded me of James Jonah Jameson in Marvel's Spiderman. Mark Hamill did a fantastic job he's so easily the best part of these games so far.

The boss fights were my biggest problem with Asylum and they're massively improved here. We get to fight fucking everyone in this game and even if it makes the story clunky and convoluted it at very least makes for some really fun boss fights. Mr. Freeze might be my favorite I'm not sure they're all great.

The gameplay is also massively improved. So much smoother, so many more gadgets, and any movement problems I had in the first game are pretty much fixed here. We also get to play as Catwoman here and she's really solid I like her different movement sets and gadgets a lot.

The final scene between Joker and Batman was immaculate. They've been in this never-ending loop for years. They'd never get out of it because Batman isn't gonna stop being Batman and Joker isn't gonna stop being Joker, and in the end, it's them being who they are that concluded their dynamic. Batman's true to his morals while The Joker is a care-free maniac and both of them being those things is what killed Joker in the end. Perfect way to end their dynamic I might've been spoiled that The Joker comes back in Knight and if that's the case ima be pretty upset because I doubt I'd get a better conclusion than this.

Arkham City attempted too much for its own good and as a result ended up as a convoluted mess. There's some great and there's some bad but I don't think either of them weigh each other out. The good doesn't make up for the bad and the bad doesn't ruin the good. I'm glad I played this even though it was a bit tough to get into at first.

1 day ago

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10 Games

1 day ago

ShaneVendrell reviewed Batman: Arkham Asylum
Great ass game I really enjoyed playing this. I've been trying to get into these games for a while now and I think I'm finally hooked. City's over-the-top and fanservice'y atmosphere really turned me off but Asylum is so grounded and direct I love how you're forced to explore every single inch of this island they were NOT wasting any space or time. The small location really works towards keeping you on task and not making you feel too overwhelmed like I was with City. Even with the groundedness they still managed to have so many villains and characters here. With games I've always found that less content is more effective than overflowing the narrative so much to the point where the player doesn't even know what the fuck's going on.

The atmosphere here is amazing probably the 2nd best I've seen in gaming right under Stray. Every shot and location is so distinct and beautiful looking you can tell the amount of effort they put into making it. I liked the gameplay a lot too. I've heard some people call it weak (and this might be because I haven't played many games), but I heavily disagree. Just because you have less weapons and customizability doesn't make the quality of the gameplay that much weaker imo. I'll have to see how it's improved throughout the series but a very solid starting point.

Definitely not a flawless game. The story was very direct and focused but it didn't have that much substance. Yeah okay Joker's taking over everything wow that's cool but can we get some insight into Batman or any of the characters? The Arkham tapes worked pretty well to flesh out some of the motives of the villains and that one Scarecrow boss fight almost delved into Bruce's fears but cut off before it got anywhere real. The story being weak isn't a massive problem for the first of four games but I hope it becomes more than just "defeat villain" later on.

The boss fights were really fucking disappointing. I liked the Killer Croc and Scarecrow boss fights but everything else was so damn underwhelming especially the two biggest boss-fights of the game: Poison Ivy and The Joker. Outside of the two I liked every boss fight here followed a simple boring ass formula: Villain becomes big villain, big villain stands in the background doing nothing while their goons attack you, you kill them, the end. It's soooo fucking boring not even to mention how easy they are to beat. I know that improves later on in the series but that does take points off of my rating for this game.

Great game I'm glad I played. Getting much more into story games lately I'm gonna enjoy jumping into an artform I've never really touched before.

2 days ago

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