This game is actually boring as fuck

Looking back on it, this was really corny, but it gets a pass cuz it was 2010’s corny. The kinda corny you look back on and still laugh at because it has charm

This shit was kinda ass I’m not gonna lie with you. There’s like tons of other YouTube sims out there that are way more fun than this one

Legit just a fat waste of time

They weren’t lying, these monsters sing

Highest I ever got was like…white belt? I think? It’s fun, charming, and very addicting sometimes

I don’t want him to go………

“Hell yeah, samurai in a RGG game? This is gonna be ama-“

dogshit ending

twirls my hair hehehe…hiiiii Kaito~

This game…is good, is nice, is lovely, is beautiful…it’s a masterpiece

Fuck yeah, that’s what I’m talking about!! Give me that shit!!

Ryuji Goda you are forever in my heart