Boring writing, boring side quests, boring world-building, boring weapons, boring soundtrack, boring final boss, one of the most anti-climatic endings to a video game I've witnessed in awhile.

The game itself is not an enjoyable experience because of enthralling gameplay, an amazing story, or anything of the sort--but because of its immense charm, ambition and ability to make you smile. The combat can get repetitive, the difficulty spikes are insane, and the game is cryptic as hell when it comes to unlocking things like the true ending, but it made me laugh, it made me emotional, and overall, it has sucked over 30 hours of my life away, and I don't regret one bit of it.

i absolutely despise this game.

I played this in fourth grade which was literally YEARS ago so I have no recollection of it other than being really frustrated. I'll pick it up again... one day.

I played 95% of this game in seventh grade and then never picked it up again for some random reason.. I tried to play it again when I was much older and I fucking hated it so I'm just going to keep it at retired.