the definition of “FUCK THIS GAME continues to play it

she can sing her ASS OFF!!!!!!!!!!!

it is essentially a time-killer, you just do it not because it's particularly fun or entertaining but because the asmr feeling you get everytime you collect gems is enough of a dopamine boost to keep you going. the visuals are pretty cute, even though i fucking hate spyro and want him dead... umm some of the platforming was pretty fun too but who the hell greenlit that one stage where you have to charge forward on all those platforms and do those weird twists and turns? you know the one. everyone knows the one. it's not particularly difficult. there's not much of an incentive to 100% the game. i just did it because i hate myself ... umm 6/10 ? maybe ? it's ok

this game, for lack of a better phrase, means the fucking world to me. it is wrapped in such love and care, from the aesthetics to its music. some of the best character designs too. also the CD mechanic for it was hella revolutionary too. like i don't know what the creators of parappa were smoking, but they need to go back and make another sequel because there's no game i can think of that is so full of energy. listen to sunny day and your depression WILL be cured. amazing game idgaf

contrary to popular belief, this game is not that bad. a lot of the exploration is fun and rewarding, the music is pretty kickass, and the plot is surprisingly engaging. the game itself was a really solid experience, however, that does not mean it's perfect.

the controls are pretty awkward as doing diagonal attacks and teleporting can be extremely botherwise. the lock feature helps with the diagonal attacks , but the problem was trying to achieve the diagonal shots in the first place. the bosses range from good to bad, with the worst being a boss that is pathetically easy and visually boring (teleport behind it and then unleash your wrath upon it.) the game itself didn't offer much in the visual department either, as many of the environments were roughly the same except snowy or deserted. there was variation here and there but they were nothing to write home about. a lot of the game does feel a bit underdeveloped in terms of level design and enemy placement, as i often died from bullshit placement and overall annoying enemies.

one of the best things i can comment on is the plot. the plot is surprisingly nuanced and dynamic, as it poses various philosophical questions on whether or not people can be redeemed, if the death of others is worth the happiness of another, and more. i found myself shocked by how well written the dialogue was at times, and i even snuck a few peeks at the notes.

the worst thing about the game would probably be the ending. the game abruptly ends with a lukewarm boss fight and an anti-climatic cutscene which only acts as sequel bait. for as well made as the rest of the game was, i was expecting the climax to be something powerful, but yet i was left thoroughly disappointed. just when you think there's still more to uncover, the game just abruptly ends.

it's time for the sequel i guess.

Wow! I love this game's visuals! The music is vibrant, the combat has weight, and the items are super interesting! Let's see what else it has to offer!

Haha, I just died. Okay. Let's restart.

40 minutes later

This game is so FUCKING ugly. The combat is SO FUCKING BAD I hate this STUPID ASS SKELETON. FUCK.

I might be the only one who really cares here, seeing how no one else has made any explicit mention of this, but EA's funneling of shitty, cynical DLC into an otherwise great game is so criminal when you realize the fact that EA makes it impossible to disable it. You may be wondering why I'm complaining about free DLC in a video game, but it's the DLC itself that is the problem. Dead Space 2, despite its action elements being more palpable than the first, is still a HORROR game. So why in God's name would EA give you every single weapon at the very beginning of the game? And it's not even just that, but EA provides weapons with a bunch of stat boosts and quirky little effects that make them more powerful. There are many issues with this, but the two most obvious ones relate to how the DLC completely trivializes both the horror elements and the progression. I did not care about collecting money or exploring for that matter, because I could buy literally whatever I wanted from the store at a very low price. Ammo and power nodes are the only real commodities worth investing in, but those are often scattered throughout the environment in easy-to-look places. I am positive the game did not expect me to start slicing up enemies with Line Cutters or Force Guns within the first three hours of the game. Worst of all, there is absolutely no way to disable it. You can try and work around it with some piracy options but at the end of the day, the work becomes too much effort. This would've been solved if EA had just kept their hands to themselves.

pretty good; only complaint is that it only gets fun after you’ve actually mastered the game which can take quite awhile. the final boss is absolutely fantastic though. this game is extremely difficult even on normal, which was supposedly fixed in this edition i was playing. the story was quite compelling and it had many peak kino moments. did it emotionally resonate w me as much as others! probably not, it’s an old game and i’m just now playing it. but it’s such a step up from dmc 1 it’s astounding. capcom knew what they were doing.

a mindlessly fun experience that's perfect to lose yourself in! the undulating mass of smelly army men smothering your playable character makes it virtually impossible to clear the game flawlessly, tho. i don't believe anyone that claims this game is easy. it's jank as fuck but that's ok.

i am getting older by the second. school piles up, work piles up, and my social life piles up as well. so with that in mind, i would like to spend the rest of my life happy-- as stress-free as possible, to be exact. with that in mind... fuck this game!

everything i said in my prior review was wrong. i will write a new review after i finish this playthrough.

still extremely flawed despite the touch-up, unfortunately. the prospect of farming for healing items is very questionable to me and i’d say a good chunk of this game is pretty difficult without any sort of guidance. the bosses are laughably easy except for two, flamelurker and maneater. there are some absolutely dickish and unfair enemy placements, particularly the fight against the black phantom on the staircase leading to the maneater fight. all in all, the game still has some wrinkles despite the welcomed refinements. the sound design is spectacular and the game looks absolutely beautiful. many people criticize this game and compare it to the visual fidelity of the original but if having shittier graphics means i can at least play a more polished , easily accessible version of a now decade-old game , i don’t care that much. it was a fun experience but extremely inconsistent and sometimes unfair.

roguelikes are little slivers of a distant reality marble that have somehow intercepted our current realm, and for that, we will pay the price