Got this on Steam when it came out because I thought it was one of the coolest ideas ever, as someone who loved DDR/ITG/Stepmania.

The game was completely off-sync when going through tracks. I (and a number of other people) contacted the developer about this and they said they were working on fixing it.

SPOILER/NOT SPOILER -- It never got fixed. What wasted potential.

I really wanted to play through this game. Having to basically choose between spamming buttons to skip MC's voice or turning sound off, I chose neither. Everything else about the game is...alright. I'll probably find a way to give it another go at some point, but after two tries, it's currently on the shelf until further notice.

There's not much to be said that hasn't been said before regarding the problems with this game. My wife actually enjoyed it in spite of all the badness, so good for her. For me, it's a train wreck caused by a dumpster fire.

It's a terrible game. I got it on a Steam sale for something like 12 cents and managed to make a dollar off it at the time. Maybe it deserves a full star for that. Or maybe it deserves two stars for the fact that when I beat the game by getting to the final screen, the game ragdolled me through the air and then spiked me to the ground and I got to sit there and enjoy nothing happening.

Maybe that wasn't the ending, but I'll assume it was, because a friend of mine played it all the way through and had the same thing happen to him. This game clearly deserves at least three stars. Go play Despair and ragdoll yourself to a better place.

I have beaten this game, though with the aid of a map that came with the game. I wonder what it says about the game that it came with a map that gives you the entire pathing you're supposed to take through the game to finish it in one go?

Bad sound, music, graphics, gameplay...only my tenacity as a dumb kid got me through that game. Well, that and a map.

I think this is around where Silent Hill really started to plummet. Even Origins was fun enough, despite my distaste for weapons randomly breaking. This game was just plain dull.

It probably doesn't help that I came back to this via emulation after growing up with NBA Jam: Tournament Edition on the Genesis. It just looked unpleasant overall compared to other games for its time and wasn't particularly fun like NBA Jam was for me.

Like Infidel, Ballyhoo is basically a very introductory-level Interactive Fiction and for me, the story just didn't appeal at all. There are so many IFs out there and you could do worse than this, but among the more popular ones, this one is scraping the bottom of the barrel, for me.

Got this on one of the PSN sales for 98% off. It wouldn't have been worth it at 198% off (yes it would, give me money to make up for this game).

I liken the controls to what I imagine it must be like to throw a brick onto a seriously frozen-over lake. I'll start and end with that.

I basically shared time with my wife playing this -- she's a huge Sonic fan and I bought her this as one of the first games for her Wii. This is one of the only Sonic games she's never finished, and I think that's a testament to how bad this game is, as she'll play through almost anything to completion. I certainly wasn't going to complete this, either way. What a dumpster fire.

This is another Sonic game I shared with my wife like the amazingly bad Sonic and the Secret Rings, but with a plethora of more inherently bad glitches than that game or the frustration of infinitely falling through platforms at the end of Sonic Heroes on GameCube.

Miss this game with all your might.

Played this a bunch of times growing up, on a bunch of different systems. It was always a good time and it was always the most fun with friends or other kids in class -- finding out who survives and who died of dysentery again.

I sometimes get nostalgic for this game, but at the end of the day, it's par for the course for fun -- a good time, but nothing amazing, per se.

As a kid, I played this a number of times and never completed it. I don't feel bad about that at all. The ColecoVision had plenty of better games, for sure -- as did the Atari 2600.

As much as I love job systems, I just wasn't particularly invested in this Final Fantasy game. I can't put my finger on what put me off with it, but it's a game I should like more than I do.

I lost interest partway through the first time around and then went back to do a complete run-through at a later time. Not one I'd ever want to play again.

Floaty-sac-boy did nothing wrong -- he was a good boy. How dare you, game.

Also, just didn't really have fun with this. But extra points off for having to fight floaty-sac-boy.