I picked this up again after a couple years, tried to watch a recap of the events of the game to remember where I am, ended up watching a 45 minute explanation of the entire MGS timeline. Still don't know where I am or what's going on.

Love to run 3/4 of a km towards the objective just to get shot from god knows where, and then to have to do it all again with your 4th commander of the game. Each matches 50 minutes of nothing and 10 minutes of action gives it a balance that should make you want to play anything else. And yet, it's just good.

It's definitely gotten better since it released, with each addition it becomes a little closer to where it should have been from the start. A beautiful and interesting location, fun factions, and a nice new variety of enemies. It has everything it needs to succeed, but it still feels drawn down by it's constant gameplay speed. VATS not slowing down time, Pip-Boy not stopping time, it's roots of being an online game are what holds it back from being better.

I love my funky little villagers and my silly little island

It's the best Battle Royale right now. Fortnite still has it's army of 12 year old boys, Warzone has consistently gotten worse since the addition of Cold War and Vanguard, and I can't think of anyone that still plays PUBG. And none of those has action as fun to watch, or be a part of, than Apex.

Campaign is whatever, I like the war stories aspect but these felt thinner and less engaging than the ones in Battlefield 1. However, the actual gameplay and multiplayer is the best Battlefield has ever done it. Except for the Battle Royale mode(whatever it's name is), we don't talk about that.

I wish I had good things to say about this. It has so so much promise, but compared to almost every entry back to Battlefield 3, this game is a disappointment. It looks pretty most of the time, but the gameplay is severely lacking behind that. Gun bloom is astronomical, the sniping is just off(after having been practically perfected in Battlefield 1 and V), and the usage of characters with abilities instead of classes just feels off. Last I played it was still littered with bugs and a pain to try and play. I am still upset, and will be, that EA has DICE stop Battlefront 2 support to work fulltime on this.

It looks great and the gameplay flows pretty well with some gameplay additions like locking the PCI to different sections of the zone. I think its smart to have the minimum buying/selling of cards matter more on the overall and not the rank as those get higher. But it comes with lots of changes that feel backwards in Diamond Dynasty, what feels like a simpler Road to The Show, and still the same Franchise mode they've had for years. I really wish they'd bring back more of the Franchise elements that they used to have and that Madden's Franchise mode has, ie player marketing, prices for concessions and tickets and such, and maintaining and upgrading your stadium. The Show had it first and I really wish it would come back. The changes made to March To October are welcome and interesting though for prolonged playthroughs in that mode. Overall feels like a little step backwards from 21

Short, sweet, and emotional. I have a soft spot for these kinds of games, more so if they can be completed in one sitting. Like What Remains of Edith Finch, it tugs at the heartstrings just enough throughout to build you up by the end.