Its good, its fun with friends, but lacking content. once youve seen everything, youve seen everything and this is not alot. Def worth the low price.

I had/have alot of fun in the game. I think for early access its ok, but the late game is kind of a bummer imo. Around lvl 45 things get a bit too grindy for me. Capture rates start to be abyssmal and you are basicly forced to breed, wich is simply a gameplay element that i find boring. But overall great game. Easily was able to hit the 40hour mark and thus surpassing the 1h/1€ rule

So iev already 100%ted the game on my older psn account and wanted to revisit it in preperation to play the next part. But after i bet the story and started dong some cleanup i got bored. Still aweome game.

Good game but feels like the devs want to go away from the fast paced always moving on approch and build in "stand still" dialoge and other rpg mechanics.

I dont mind it but imo it was a thing that made the first game so good. You always were moving, no pause no nothing just pure gameplay. ghostrunner 2 still has this dont get me wrong, but you defintely see that you will have a bit more downtime then in the first part