13 reviews liked by Shinseiki

a really cool game as the first in the series. i can see why people cant get into this one due to the poor controls and the slow and janky gameplay, but as someone who can deal with that stuff this is a really cool experience, solving puzzles in the Spencer mansion and going deeper in it to uncover mysteries is super cool and managing items is also surprisingly fun, but backtracking is a pain and the save feature is stupid. like i understand the point of the ink ribbons, but it just feels dumb to me and adds extra anxiety that shouldn't be there. but the pre rendered graphics are cool and the enemies are cool and the environments are cool and i definitely don't regret completing it.

I started having dreams where I was playing this game.



me when i sit in a corner for 3 minutes waiting for nightmare to fuck off

Beautiful, but dull. I think that about covers this game in its entirety.

This game is absolutely fantastic. The track generation algorithm works quite well, especially for electronic tracks. Very chill game, perfect for relaxing in the evening after a stressful day.

However, it requires you to have mp3s of the titles you want to hear/play. Back when the game was released, this was a no-brainer. Everyone I knew had GBs of music on their PC.

Nothing wrong with this, just too complicated of a leveling system for me. I don't need that much stress planning my game.

Yet another classic. Simple and addicting.

takes me back to 9th grade study hall xD would play this all the time! xD

Talked to someone at work the other day who didn’t know what this game is, what is happening to our youth