Solid gameplay, Rouge-like and surprisingly interesting lore.

Best actual car sim game on the market.

Kid me still likes this game.
Could never get past the 3rd level.

Best game to play with friends over the internet.
I got stomach pains from laughter.

Playing this game again after the chokehold it had on youtubers disappeared and looking at it with a critical eye. The Teletubbies one was better.


Fun for a while.
Until your friends start shooting each other.

Kid me thought this was actual rapper lore.

A classic I still go back to.

Almost snapped dat Stylus :))

After finish Darksiders 1. Got me hooked and picked this up on sale. Loved the artstyle and the story.

Its a good game with a ton of some known legends in the car scene today. It would be nice if the servers didn't kick you every few hours though.....

Fun franchise to run through with people over.