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1 day

Last played

March 26, 2023

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What begins as quite possibly a 9/10 experience just absolutely free falls with continuously some of the most lazy writing I have ever witnessed, villains I have no investment in, and decent gameplay held back by questionable choices like mementos and how my social stats seemed to just stop mattering with 40 hours of game left.

This game, despite what people might say, does nothing to separate itself from other JRPGs beyond the most surface level ways, like with its "super slick UI (which has bad readability at times)" and being set in a contemporary setting (while still featuring plenty of fantasy elements). I'd easily argue it does many aspects WORSE than the other dwellers of its genre, mainly writing and pacing. I could rant about the "twist" and how absolutely horrendous it is for possibly a full essay. Or how I feel the chemistry of the party deteriorates with each new member added, which shouldn't be happening for this idealized school life simulator.

Persona 5 Royal is a wannabe Death Note, no further elaboration needed on that statement. It is a dish where someone threw their entire spice collection on some overcooked chicken, a facade of flavor covering a flawed base. Is it a good visual novel? No. Is it a good JRPG? Well it's better at that than the VN part, but still no. Is this game one of the highest rated games ever made? No- wait, yes? What the fuck?

For how many times I had to hear the word "cognitive" in this game, I sure am feeling some cognitive dissonance over how this game is viewed! 4/10.