This is an intentionally ugly game from an era where games were already unintentionally horrible to look at. For what it's worth, this is quite unique with its storytelling and portrayal. I enjoyed it because it's only a few hours long. Any longer and the camera gimmick would've worn too frustratingly thin.

The game is pretty much exactly as it needs to be, no more and no less. I'm not a huge puzzle game fan, but the writing keeps me going. One of those rare games that does humour perfectly.

I 100%ed this game's open world activities. I honestly don't think it was the worst thing going, but I think it's what the game represents that makes it so terrible. The tragic death of a very consistent studio because of corporate greed.

The story is mid, but the play-as-anyone system is very unique, and it gives the game an edge in the open world genre. Not a great edge, mind. It just makes it worth at least trying I think. I actually 100%ed it, so it must be okay.

Honestly, I think this entire game would've been improved by an entire star rating if you could manual save. I know you lose some tension that way, but losing so much progress in a game this slow paced wore on me to the point I had to stop playing.

RE7 base game is very good and atmospheric, though its latter half is considerably weaker. The DLCs are a mixed bag, both in gameplay, tone and quality - but overall its a very worthwhile experience.

A lot of this game is highly boring, but thats almost the point I think. This franchise is known for its goofy writing, but in this one it's more just entirely unconcerned with everything. It's a very dejected narrative, but tonally I think it's quite good. DLCs are okay too.

As a huge Naruto fan, this is just a fan-service filled love letter to anyone like me. The gameplay is ridiculous, the amount of options for creating your character is insane and playing this with my buddies has to be some of the best fun I've had in online gaming. However, the gameplay does kinda suck and about half of the content is micro-transaction blocked :(

It's smooth to play, the narrative never gets in the way of the fast-paced action and death never costs you more than a few seconds. It's all about speed and being challenging, but not punishing - my favourite type of difficulty!

I'm torn between the fact that I typically don't like narrative breaking the pace of a platformer, and the fact that Celeste's story is pretty good and engaging. Using a challenging video game as an allegory for overcoming life's adversities is one of those rare examples of a game story that could only possibly be told in this format.

Disco Elysium is one of the most interesting stories ever told in a game. It actually addresses and critiques real-world politics in a subtle way through the use of a diverse and expertly crafted cast of characters. The Final Cut update added voice acting for all the dialogue, which for a free update is insane. More insane, though, is just how good that voice acting is. I can't think of another game with a voice cast this consistently great, there are no lulls.

The most replayable and tightly designed game in the franchise. The freedom these games offer you in tackling their huge sprawling levels in incredible, but I still think the original is the best.

The most fast paced and fun platformer out there, with such a high skill ceiling that your ability from when you begin and when you finally reach the end of this huge title are indistinguishable.

This game suffers from its age, especially considering we have all the modern FromSoft games to compare it to. Despite this, it is still worth playing. Its setting and world design are arguably still unmatched by the later titles, and so many aspects of this title are iconic.

One of the most fun and action packed games ever made! Playing MGS:R is an experience few games can replicate. Those boss fights are just the pinnacle of design, pitting our cyborg hero against a creative gallery of villains set to one of the best gaming soundtracks ever composed.