Splatoon 2 took elements of the first game and improved on the fundamental gameplay. Despite taking out some of the fan favorite specials, new weapon classes, stages, and a new game mode were introduced, giving players the ability to do more outside of the main battles.
Splatoon 2 served as a foundation for Splatoon 3 and the improvements for casual and competitive play.

The tracks of the Pass are very unique and diverse in detail. Tracks pull from the history of the series, with popular and new tracks originating from different games. The different courses, especially ones from Tour, take many routes to reach the Finish Line, meaning that tracks feel lengthy yet keep the anticipation when racing with other players. The different tracks allow more fun with friends or online with so much to choose for each and every race.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe takes what the original game on the Wii U offered and added more through the available options, updates, and the addition of the Booster Course Pass.
The available characters, new karts, bikes, and ATVs give players the ability to customize as freely as they are able. Each track is not only creative and lively in their own way, but are also suited for the different classes of racing.
With the new battle arenas dedicated to Battle Mode, it makes each mode easier to navigate and race on in solo play or on teams.
Compared to other Switch games, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe has seamless online connection for racing regionally and globally, and it is very fun to play online with other players.
With the new updates such as a Jukebox mode and an additional 48 tracks added through the Booster Course Pass, there is much more offered on top of a fantastic game.
Until we get an announcement for Mario Kart 9, the new updates add so much to an existing game that is both welcoming to newcomers and veterans of the series.

This game serves as a good introduction to new fans of the Ratchet and Clank series. The controls take a bit of getting used to, but are easy to pick up. Plenty of enemies can leave you with many chances to level up gear and equipment, however, the swarm of enemies at certain points may cause players to lose health and restart from a previous save point. The story, for the most part, recounts the events of the movie, which transitions to parts of the level. The visuals ate very good, and the mechanics of the game allow for interesting puzzles. Overall, for anyone who wants to get it, it is a good introduction game to the series, but be prepared for any frustrations that will occur later on into the game's story.

The game adds plenty more compared to the past 2 entries. With much more characters and a great story to play through, there is a lot more that Batman and Robin can do to solve puzzles and fight crime in Gotham and in space.

Fall Guys is a fun, fast-paced multiplayer game with plenty of obstacles to overcome as you get to the end of the level. The physics can make the game either funny or frustrating to play a certain map depending on what obstacles block your way from finishing a course. Nonetheless, Fall Guys is a great party game to play either alone or with friends.

Bringing Kirby to a 3D space was a great choice that made for a very entertaining game. The new copy abilities made it very fun to progress through the level. The new achievements to save Waddle Dees during the level allows more replayability and backtracking with multiple abilities, as well as having fun, yet challenging boss fights all throughout the game.

This game is a great introduction for players new to PlayStation and those unfamiliar with their new console. The game contains plenty of references to PlayStation's past history, and the collect-a-thon aspect of the game makes it a very charming love letter from the PS1 up to the PS5. Playing this game was a great intro to using the DualSense, featuring an adorable little mascot that helps push forward new tech and new ways to play.

Being my first Animal Crossing game, it was very relaxing to play for a while and have fun collecting it. Despite not keeping my attention for that long, I do see why people enjoy the series so much. There's a lot to do, with adorable characters to meet and take care of, whether it's giving gifts, planning events for the island, or making up custom apparel. I was glad to be able to try a newer entry as a starter, and it is a cute life-sim to play and manage an island.

I'm surprised as to how this game did not win the Game of the Year award, or as for that matter, any awards at all this past year. From the voice acting, the emotional story, the combat, the tricks, the new features for traversal, the game was seeping with so much stuff to do. It's easy to get lost in completing sidequests as each allows the player to unlock more of what makes them Spider-Man and why they are heroes in the first place, as well as background on characters that may not be as central to the plot, but still have their place in this Marvel Universe. Overall, the game is a definite recommendation to any Spider-Man fan and it earns its right as one of the best PlayStation games to have ever existed.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild was truly innovative for the series with its open-world formula, with so much to do and see within the world of an aged Hyrule. Being able to explore and interact with everything, as well as searching for shrines pushes forward the element to discover more in the game. This does make it easy to be distracted with so much the player can accomplish within the level. The player is able to choose if they actively want to seek the story elements or go their own path. At the time of writing this, I'm coming back to play through the game and finish the story, as there's so much I wanted to play along with this that splitting time between games made it harder to play many at a time, but every time I came back, it was as if I was welcomed home simply from the calming atmosphere that Hyrule creates.