Amazing - I wish I could forget everything about this game and experience it for the first time all over again. Even with me generally disliking anime-styled games, and fanservice, and even with all of the incredible amounts of hype I heard about this game before I played it, it still blew me away.


A poor attempt and imitation of Hotline Miami gameplay, lesser in every way. The art consists of all black sprites, portraits traced over photos, and images that have been downscaled enough to imitate pixel art. Levels with no thought put into routes or enemy placement.

Unpolished and even more uninspired than the inaccurate but often toted description of "pokemon with guns" would have you believe. Moreso your run of the mill survival-crafting game, with knock-off Pokemon helpers. Very 'flavor of the month'. Could be improved, if the devs actually make considerable updates, but even then, I don't think this will ever be a game I will truly want to continue playing.

i like this game because i helped make it :)

too big for its own good. the open world design does not leave much room for the tight, interconnected level design everyone has yearned for since the first half of dark souls 1. a few locations show fromsoft still has the ability to make levels like that, with areas like lyndell capital or stormveil castle coming to mind, but overall going for a more traditional "open world" gives the same feeling of quanity over quality that can be seen in most other aspects of the game.

the wide variety of builds, and weapons, and spells is great, but none are any deeper or more complex than something seen 10 years earlier in dark souls 1. the large amount of reused bosses, the repetitive and copy pasted ruins and catacomb dungeons, it all does fromsoft a real disservice, compared to other small sections of the game where you can see they still have that 'magic'.

it's still good tho