Very frustrating game. It has potential, but never lives up to it.
It has interesting characters and explores them quite well, and the themes are fairly interesting. But the way it portrays antagonists is really shallow, their backstory is more interesting than how they act. And the pacing is very poor, leading to the same beats getting repeated over and over. It's not story related, but with abundance of NPCs you can talk to and their dialogues getting updated every now and then, the game incentivizes you to talk to them all, except every room transition has lengthy loading screen, which adds up to impressive amount as you move between NPCs. It's not fun.

And the dark underbelly comes up, which is the gameplay. It's atrocious. The battle system is epitome of unfun slog. But how is it possible, when they literally just copy-pasted it from another FuRyu game, Lost Dimension? It's simple, they heavily restricted movement and battle arenas became really poor. Plus enemy variety is really bad as well, not that Lost Dimension was really exceptional in that department, but it wasn't this bad, and most importantly, Lost Dimension isn't nearly as long. Also, leveling system is complete crap. The leveling is done with money instead of steadily gaining experience every battle, and by trying to deviate from the norm, they completely shattered any sense of progression and fun of upgrading new skills. It doesn't help that early skillsets available to you are all incredibly lame compared to stuff you get later on. All in all, everything related to combat is just lame. If you're willing to give this game a try, just give up on combat. People complaining about Persona 2 combat have no idea that it can be much, much worse than simply slightly boring button masher.

Tough game to handle. Combat isn't hard, but overall experience consists of repeatedly getting lost and sometimes running into extremely hard encounters. Takes time to get used to, but atmosphere is top-notch and story is engaging to follow. I think I actually stopped on second to last dungeon. I should finish it some time.

Miserable experience to say the least. The story is bunch of nothing, demons are ugly, roadblocks consist of grinding out encounters for the next shiny equipment.

Very pretty game. Much better looking than SMT1 on SNES. Sadly, it still retains bullshit from the NES games, such as enemies that suck out your levels. I couldn't handle it. Should be noted that the story of the first half might be incomprehensible to people who haven't read summary of novels, as it's an adaptation of the third book in the series. Second half is original and is very in line with SMT series.

Pseudo-typing game with cooking theme. Nice sense of progression and doesn't outstay its welcome too much. It still does that though; some of latter parts of the game are just repeating the same dishes over and over to get the maximum amount of profits. But the core gameplay loop is fun enough for that to not be too detrimental.