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I believe that everyone has a story, or game, that will touch you on a personal level. A story that when experienced seems like it was tailor made for you. Until I played persona 3, i thought that was bullshit, because all these really good games I’ve played haven’t done anything to me in an emotional level. Maybe because I didn’t resonate with the message, or already knew what it tried to say.
Persona 3 started normal for me until the last full moon, when the chairmen betrays you. From that point on, i started to notice the people with apathy syndrome remaining in the city, I started to turn on the Tv in the dorm, just to hear more on it. I was hopeless, because I did not comprehend how everyone was just… cool with death. It is silly to say but I was that immersed in the game
When New Year’s Eve rolled around, and the new music started playing on naganaki shrine, I did not want to leave the area. Memories of the city was just so… gorgeous a song, I could not just… leave. Then when I left, the music started playing in the over-world and I almost fucking cried. I noticed that was the end of the journey

Maybe it’s because I am really scared of dying, but everything this game did just worked for me.
When I heard all the hype surrounding this game, I was doubtful at best. I did not really like the persona franchise, but I am not sorry I played this game.