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Ghenry completed Beat City

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Ghenry reviewed Resident Evil: Revelations
As a handheld, original Resident Evil game, it's probably the best of the entire series. It plays and feels a bit closer to the original RE4 (didn't need that circle pad pro), although not as intuitive or snappy. I can also appreciate them bringing back the dodge mechanic from RE3, considering this was a new Jill-centric title. The overall design, though, is pretty weak. If the choice was to either have items fall out of enemies or make you scan for "hidden" objects everywhere, the former seems much more desirable. Constantly swapping to your scanning device was simply miserable, somehow worse than the dreaded Arkham "Detective Mode" that plagued modern games.

The story is whatever, I don't give a shit. The mayday memo was good, and there's still a few enjoyable scenarios to be had in the overall campaign. I still have my original "Revelaitons" box.

9 days ago

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