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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

January 13, 2024

Platforms Played


Mom, can we play Crazy Taxi?

We have Crazy Taxi at home!

Crazy Taxi at home:


The game offers little in terms of depth. It has a vaguely addicting gameplay loop which is fun, but I don't know. Theres something about the voice lines that really start to get grating after a while. The controls are Crazy Taxi but worse - the whole 'through' and 'jump' mechanic is entirely gutted for this game and it shows, since the whole excitement of ramping up high combos and getting faster and faster and getting higher combos getting respectively harder was what made Crazy Taxi so timeless to begin with.

Not to mention, what are these Sonic 06 ass loading screens?

If you have access to Crazy Taxi I wouldn't bother touching it. Maybe for big simpsons fans, but even then its a mild one at best because the dialogue isnt real conversations so you get zero good moments unless the one liner happens to be funny.

Its a perfectly serviceable game which is fun to play and it was just as fun as I remember it being as a kid, surprisingly. The issue is just the lack of depth and the wonky controls.