Starfield 2023

Log Status






Time Played

59h 21m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 29, 2024

Platforms Played


It's such a shame that a decent game like Starfield has the worst beginning to a game possible. Multiple times during the first 20 hours I wanted to give up, but I'd just spent like 40 quid on this so I was going to finish it. At about hour 15 I started seeing signs of improvement, and then at hour 20 I felt like the whole world had opened up and everything finally made sense.

Past the 1 day trawl, Starfield offers a unique game with some incredible moments. The story is pretty good and the characters are well thought out. Combat is satisfying, but very easy. The different dialogue systems are amusing (always a highlight for me personally) and actually have an effect on the world around you. The different cities in the game are a huge highlight for me as they stand out as some of the most memorable and atmospheric from the last few Bethesda titles. Even the spaceship combat is fun once you get your head around the controls

Starfield got a lot of hate, and it probably deserved it. But if you're a true Bethesda fan, you'll stick it out and realise that this game is at least a bit better than it was first made out to be - but AS IF I'm going to new game+ this one, nooope

Edit: Remembered the fast travelling and lowered my rating by half a star. Absolutely shocking choice on the devs part, feels like they didn't play their own game