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Time Played

8h 30m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

December 12, 2023

Platforms Played


An example of a game that has aged beautifully with time, though not without it's flaws.

A genre defining game that set the bar high for all future metroidvania games, the combination of the pixel art (high attention to detail), music (incredibly catchy), and gameplay (difficult but not too punishing) - I wouldn't be surprised if this is the best game of the system.

Unfortunately, 30 years does have a toll on games - notably the map system, while heavily appreciated, has many imperfections (that I hear are resolved in later iterations). On top of this are the classic issues with games of this era such as save points and bland boss battles that only use high damage + high health. With that said, and to avoid spoilers, they do add a couple great twists during the final boss that easily made up for the others.

If you've not stepped food into the metroidvania genre, but are a fan of platformers / adventure / puzzle games - this is genuinely still a great place to start!