Game shouldn’t even exist. Dear god this was made without any love or care of the series. Booty cheeks in my opinion not worth playing. Do love the idea that it ocelot giving soldiers nightmares for training but other then that nothing saves this game it lacks a lot from being repetitive and boring and clucking control with shit ton of pay to enjoy stuff

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A horror game made during the peak era of video games was not well recognized during its birth. This amazing game about a teenager trapped in his own misery is almost relatable and takes on mental problems a person can struggle with in the real world. The game feels really like Silent Hill 2, not gameplay-wise but more story-wise, with both characters having to deal with trauma, leading them to a strange place to discover who they really are—a person who is sick in the head who needs others to feel better about themselves. Both are fighting creatures that represent their fear. I love the feel of the game just going through a darker look of Sweden; depending on the ending you get, you might feel like it lacks a lot. But overall, the gameplay is sometimes stiff but if you dont care about gameplay you can enjoy the game overall.