Pikmin 1 2023

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This was my first time ever playing a Pikmin game and somehow, the mechanics immediately hooked me!
There is something very rewarding about constantly planning ahead, trying to manage multiple Pikmin in groups at once, gathering knowledge about your surroundings and making it back to the ship just in time.
I consider the game's relatively short length and limited amount of areas a strength, as it makes Pikmin 1 all the more replayable and drove me to keep thinking about how I could optimize my time and keep trying.

That being said, I wish the Pikmin had some amount of self-preservation.
There were many times where I had to make compromises to account for the Pikmin's frustrating AI: Pathfinding (e.g. Pikmin getting stuck or taking a longer route), prioritizing the wrong things (like getting stuck on grass instead of following Olimar) and Pikmin tripping over gave me the most trouble in this regard.
Of course there were other times where the AI worked surprisingly well, especially for an older game like Pikmin 1.
I'm looking forward to seeing how AI has improved in the following entries.

What pulled me in right from the start was this game's incredible atmosphere; the feeling of being alone, stranded on an alien planet full of both the familiar and unfamiliar, of friendly and dangerous creatures.
The 30 day timer is a constant threat, but manages not to feel crushing, yet urgent.
There is so much melancholy at the end of each day, recounting the successes and failures of the day.
Despite everything there is hope and perseverance that inspires Olimar (and the player) to carry on, as we learn more and more details about his family.
The music adds a lot to the emotions in Pikmin 1 and changes depending on the time of day and whether enemies are nearby.

I'm very glad I gave this game a chance and can definitely recommend it to anyone who hasn't yet played Pikmin 1.