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Dimensions has so much potential with such a great concept. You play as 4 different Spider-Men all containing some gameplay variety. The story was minimal overall. I would of liked a stronger story to make me feel more invested in the game as the finale for the story did tie up well but had paper thin material to work off.
The levels are linear and I did find for each Spider-Man to have very similar look and feel (except for Nior Spider-Man) making the game feel repetitive. There was different objectives within the large levels but with a weak storyline it feels more like a checklist then anything else.
The bosses in the game were great, they all had a unique mechanics, different phases along with being well balanced to figure out their attack patterns. But no enemy is as strong as the crazy camera. You seem to wrestle with the camera in some parts of the game, especially in climbing walls.
There is alot to say, while doing 18 level, but in short, the game was very average as it seems to be lacking immersion.
The game on normal took me about 12 hours to beat as I was looking for collectable for upgrades. Given the price of this game I would recommend getting the Batman games as they are better and cheaper.