Halo Infinite's credits are 26 minutes long. Obviously, they have to be to accommodate the thousands who contributed to getting the game made and released. This game stands as a testament that in spite of, just by virtue of the law of large numbers, a team full of people with fresh ideas and creative interests, AAA development simply cannot make anything new, and struggles to make anything good. Details about crunch throughout this games production are out there, and all that suffering was for what? One more disposable open world, one more repetitive and dull halo story (featuring 100% more quips this time) and one more manipulative treadmill of a multiplayer mode. Whilst this game is clearly unfinished and has been rushed out the door, its hard to see what all the known missing features could do to save this. Maybe this game will get better in a year, or 5, but for now, this game being on gamepass is basically the only reason a non Halo fan should even give this game the light of day.

P.S. fuckin put The Arbiter in the game what are we doing here

Reviewed on Dec 11, 2021


that final sentence is very much true
only playing it instead of literally any other online shooter because
a) it's on gamepass
b) install size for the mp portion is small enough to not clutter my console's memory unlike cod

2 years ago

This feels very dismissive of the game and especially of the efforts put in by the team in a way I don't think is fair. It has awesome gameplay, fun sound design, a lot of elements that make it distinctly Halo, which by itself is a huge positive, considering how this game stacks up to an overwhelming majority of big FPS productions of the last decade. I don't know how Infinite deserves such scorn and condescension.

2 years ago


2 years ago

Take a break from videogames. The jadedness is reflected on the developer drama that plagues half that review. Next youre gonna post a Soul vs Souless meme.