It's not all that I was hoping and expecting. Has its moments of disappointment, a bunch of things to criticize and get bothered by, but it also has an appeal that keeps me playing and enjoying myself despite of that.

An incredible journey through old American history. Fighting for your life and fighting for your family, trying to live your days with honor and integrity. It's like fucking Shakespeare.

A highly ambitious and impressive go at simulating a time and a place to such detail that was and remains rare to see. And it was such a mundanely interesting adventure with a laid back atmosphere. And forklift racing and martial arts. An odd and special game.

Kickstarted my GOAT multiplayer game series with an epic chaotic clownshow explosion through the legendary Wake demo.

Think it may have been my first online multiplayer experience. But I did not feel alone in having my mind blown as everyone seemed to be running around like hyperactive lunatics beaching the carrier and taking turns flying planes into that one tree on the runway.

This game was amazing.

IOI just absolutely nailed it out of the park with this one. Master class art direction, level design, and design in general. The direction was perfect and the accuracy impeccable. The only thing I could poke at is the always online progression and that some of the maps aren't great. Was thinking of removing half a star for that, but nah.

It needs a wee bit of modification to truly shine, perhaps some custom tracks, and especially replacing the heinous soundtrack, but once that's done, this game excels so hard at satisfying asshole driving. An area of expertise Bugbear has proven through the first couple of Flatouts, and a legacy which Wreckfest continues successfully. It's so much fun. Inspires the spirit of bumper cars like no other game. Just

Helped fund this game through Kickstarter before the game's director Dan Vavra revealed himself to be a turdman supportive of a misogynistic harassment campaign. Soured me on the whole game and made me feel scammed out of my money.

I agree with some of the common criticisms and have had some issues of my own, but it seems I'll always enjoy Battlefield no matter what.

It's getting incredibly long in the tooth and there's the perennial complaint about it getting expensive if you want more than the basics, but I'd be lying if I said I haven't enjoyed my time playing it, which is also a long time, so it would be absurd of me to not give it a high score.


Like a modern Ubisoft game sandwiched together with a classic Ubisoft game, with cultural spirit and creative, enjoyable design in the middle. It's a pretty good sandwich.

The future of law enforcement from the 80's has come back in style.