A faithful and enjoyable puzzle platformer game.

Fantastic survival horror game. Still has one of the best monster AI in the genre.

A very flawed gem. One of the best choice-based stories I've played in a video game. Everything else about it is okay to just bad.

Mediocre arcade game. Very buggy.

Fun indie game about rioting with animals. Controls are lackluster but everything else is great.

Mind-bending puzzle game. Fun and colorful.

Fantastic and fun mythological metroidvania. The game is crushingly difficult at times, but otherwise fair and fun.

A great platforming game that still holds up today. The missions can be quite repetitive, but the gameplay is fun and responsive.

An odyssey of gaming. Improves upon the original in almost every way, with a captivating story and exceptional gameplay.

Despite feeling like an expansion pack at times, Brotherhood takes everything that made AC2 great and keeps it going with new innovations.

While not hitting the same highs as previous entries, AC Revelations still manages to tell a captivating story while bringing new innovations to the parkour and gameplay.

A short but fun experience with one or two difficult missions.

A fun indie rhythm game where you surf to the beat of the song.

An interesting, but underwhelming story set in the Life is Strange universe.