I was doing that one campaign mission where you have to do the race against Evil Captain Falcon and Eviler Captain Falcon, and I kept on losing by like half a second over and over. Probably an hour into trying it I was once again about to come in 3rd, when the spirit of Captain Falcon himself took over my body. I swerved and slammed directly into a mine that was near the end of the track, which ricocheted me into another mine, which then blasted me over the finish line in a clear first place. You remember that Nascar guy that rode the wall and won the race?

I felt that rush.

Dude that Mode 7 spinning hallway goes so hard.

I appreciate the inclusion of a 'throw the annoying mascot character off a cliff' button.

There's so much potential for an awesome game here but instead it hates you and everything you stand for.

I did not expect to be doing rocket launcher air juggles today.

DK Mountain is the best track in any cart racer.

Rolling up to Roger Ebert's grave and slapping this down on it.

Certified mobile game hater reporting in, this game rules.

This is what your friend who doesn't like JRPGs thinks all JRPGs are like.

Is this what it's like to have friends