I love the RGG put a whole combat system with a story in my mahjong sim...it really took the edge off when I lost multiple times

I loved going to a point, talking to someone, then go somewhere else to talk to someone on repeat for 7 missions in a row.

The game is pretty fun...I like the spider lady enemy as well...I feel like we connected on a personal level when she took me into her thorax

The only one I ever played and beat when the OG released was the first one. I can say that this remake trilogy is the best way to play these games. Sadly, they do have a little bit of jank since the development was rushed but this is still a good game to play, even 100% of the way through.

Very good hardcore platformer with good controls, generous checkpoints, and a somewhat funny story. Has some good breaks from the platforming sections from arcade games to a "shump" section.

Garlic is my hero and isn't a simp imo

a pretty solid metrovania that def needs some polish but i had a pretty good time playing this. i wouldnt try to 100% this unless you wanna encounter some jank.

A pretty good beat em' up. A lot of characters, music, and artwork to unlock. It took me 9 hours to beat this game fully and unlocked everything at the moment. I think this game is fairly price but getting this game on sale is the best way...like all other games. I say if you like beat em' up, pick this up as it's a fun time killer.

I can't really say anything that hasn't been said about this game before. The only thing that made me stay for the time I did was the relationship between the Prince and Elika. Them communicating was the best part of the game for me. The gameplay, combat, and story were all just medicore or not the vibe I was looking for. I really think this game could've been great but after a few hours, it just gets boring and repetitive. The enemies you fight are all the same, including the 4 "bosses" of each section. They get into a state and you just press the proper button to counter that action then wail on them some more. The platforming was good but again, it just gets a little stale after a few hours. The story is ok, personally I didn't care too much about the story but it is there. I really wanted to like this game but it just let me down over the time I played it....siiiiiiiiiiigh

I started this game up because I remember having this and actually having fun with this as a kid...clearly I was an easy kid to impress. The music makes my head hurt, when trying to actually complete the objectives on the board, it's close to impossible because the ball doesn't control the way you think. The first stage, I'm trying my hardest to collect the "Pac-dots" behind the house...I hit the ball on the right flipper near the tip so I can wrap around...You just have to get lucky. I couldn't even complete the first stage because of it...I'm continuing my quest of old pinball games to find a good one, this isn't the one.

I really do like this game. The music, the setting, the acting, mostly everything is really good but the gameplay is something I can't leave out...it's pretty bonked. I'd give it a try, just go in knowing that you sometimes aren't gonna be able to control the camera when you want or when you press X to attack it will sometimes do a heavy when you didn't want that so you die and have to do the level over...

Bing Bing Wahoo Man...Pretty good sidescroller that changes things up with the Mario formula.

I remember loving this game as a kid on the Xbox so I started it up again when I had nothing to do. I def don't care about the original games but the arrangement games are were I lived. They're super fun to just blast through, they add a twist to the gameplay while keeping the DNA of the original game. I played the Playstation one this time but I remember the presentation of the Xbox one being better. I recommend this game to someone who wants to experience some arcade fun that has a "modern spin" to it.