One of the weirdest story presentations I've ever seen. I can only imagine the nightmare this was to storyboard, and I imagine it's similar to the haze the game puts you in for the first 5 hours before you can really latch onto any plot threads. It's inventive, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't invested by the end, but two things drop it a bit lower than its similar modern VN peers like Somnium Files.
One, like I said, the game really asks a lot from you starting off. You just have to expect it to get better because it has a BAD first impression. It feels like absolute nonsense and were it not for friends' recommendations I doubt I'd have kept going.
Second: combat is bad. It's like 10% of the game so it barely matters but this combat system is really shit. It's hard to tell enemies apart, leveling up does barely anything, it's unbalanced as hell and this would ruin the game probably if it weren't also insanely easy. This results in, every 5 hours or so, having to play an hour of the combat missions while completely zoned out and effortlessly S ranking every mission.
By the end, though, I was having a great time. The presentation of the story really elevates the plot, picking up the ploy threads in an almost completely nonlinear order makes you feel a lot more invested. It demands you pay attention and, for the most part, rewards that well. It's great! Very easy recommend if you like weird VNs because it doesn't get much weirder.

Reviewed on Mar 09, 2024
