I am trying insanely hard to beat my own expectations, abilities and living conditions. I have warped my mind to fight against itself and push to the furthest mental bounds - allowing me to push through physical bounds and create unborn ideas and pieces of existence (in music and otherwise). I still have alot to go mentally. I have a few bad mental mechanisms and bad physical coping mechanisms (stress related things that I do) but I am really trying to destroy them and ignite the greatest fire within me.

If you cant win the war within yourself - how are you going to win the war in the most ruthless conditions of the wilderness - (that is the real world) - where only those with courage, resistance, direction, enfuriated conciousness, action, and the ability to excel in loneliness - make it.

Be All You Can Be.

Leave No Stone Unturned.
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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time


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