Signalis 2022

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1 day

Last played

January 25, 2024

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Incredible game. I got the Promise ending and wow, what a ride. The aesthetic is one of the strongest in games I've ever experienced, relying on low polygon models not just for striking cutscenes, but also to go along with the narrative work of not being sure what's going on or happening. It's an incredibly fascinating game, with lots of fantastic worldbuilding that encircles the core narrative of Elster finding Ariane.

This is the first survival horror game I've played. I get scared easily, I'm a big coward, and for the first third of this game I more or less had to play it in 30 minute chunks because the atmosphere was so dreadful and oppressive-- and even though it terrified me, it worked incredibly well. The screams of enemies when they discover you, the tenseness of being stuck and cornered by an enemy, needing to get out. It works so well.

The puzzles are fantastic, and the way they are a part of the information you find out, how little notes you find play into everything, they're all really enjoyable. I also loved the radio puzzles, that was great. The use of the radio receiver was a lot of fun in the game, especially the enemies that have to be stopped by changing the radio on the fly.

I think this is a really fascinating game that should be played by anyone, even if you aren't necessarily inclined to survival horror like me. The way the story is presented through imagery, gameplay, and items you find in the game, it's all really good. I still have to get the secret ending and watch the other endings, but man, the ending I got was an emotional ride that hit really hard. Absolutely incredible game.