Tinykin 2022

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

December 30, 2023

Platforms Played


A wonderful little platformer that takes some neat inspiration from collectathons and Pikmin to create a beautiful little game. It took me a while to get used to the platforming, and I found the grinding a bit finicky at first on mouse and keyboard, but once it clicked, it really clicked, and it was a blast speeding around the different rooms in the house and doing the time attack challenges. The story is relatively simple, but expands at the very end in some very neat and fun ways. It's absolutely beautiful, and the 2D + 3D styles mesh together so well.

I absolutely loved the objectives in each area, and the little side quests were really fun to go and complete. I liked the writing, though my only complaints is the further along I got the more referential it got in very obvious ways, and I hated having to help the bourgeoisie quell a rebellion, essentially, in helping make a cake.

Great game! I got it as a gift but would certainly have bought it, and I really enjoyed it! If you're looking for a platformer with some fun travel, check this out!