This is a genius premise for a point-n-click adventure game. They took two separate adventures and combined them into one package. A lot of the fun is guessing why these two engaging stories have been paired together.

This game excels when it comes to not wasting any of its material. Items, level details, and character motivations that are discovered during Act 1 will remain relevant during Act 2. It was fun to play through the entire game in one week, as I was able to appreciate the narrative's symbolism and the foreshadowing within Act 1.

The game does a lot right. Puzzles have telegraphed solutions that are also clever, numerous whacky characters can be met, and there are some stellar environments. That said, certain characters are undercooked. I can forgive some side characters being simple, but many major characters will have wishy-washy motivations, and refuse to satisfyingly explain certain details. Also, it feels like the last segment could've been expanded a bit more. The puzzle itself was nice, but everything wraps up a bit too quickly and neatly.

Reviewed on Apr 21, 2024
