31 Reviews liked by SmartyPants

If you base your whole internet carbon footprint into liking this series you deserve to be punished

This is legit one of the worst videogames I ever touched if not one of the worst pieces of fiction I ever had the displeasure of experiencing

Generic plot, mediocre to awful characters, corny themes and legitimately awful dialogue

Sonic Shuffle, a delightful and often overlooked addition to the party game genre, brings a refreshing spin to the table with its engaging minigames and charismatic Sonic-themed charm. While undoubtedly inspired by the Mario Party formula, Sonic Shuffle manages to carve out its own identity and leaves a lasting impression on those willing to give it a chance.

The minigames within Sonic Shuffle are undeniably the stars of the show. From heart-pounding challenges like the trampoline escapade with Dr. Eggman's laser antics, to rhythm-infused moments reminiscent of Sonic's adventures, the diversity and creativity of these challenges truly shine. One standout favorite involves bouncing on a trampoline while dodging Eggman's laser onslaught, simultaneously keeping an eye on a chess game unfolding on a second screen – a surreal yet oddly captivating combination. The fusion of dexterity, strategic chess moves, and rhythm synchronization may seem bewildering at first, but once embraced, it adds a layer of engaging complexity that sets Sonic Shuffle apart.

The quirky rule where the winner of a minigame corresponds to the day of the week played, and the ingenious tiebreaker mechanism based on dental records (or vowel count!) infuses the game with an unpredictable and often hilarious competitive edge. These unique mechanics, while occasionally eyebrow-raising, undeniably add an eccentric charm that's hard to find elsewhere.

Nobuaki Kanazawa, the mastermind behind Sonic Shuffle, deserves recognition for crafting a distinctive and engaging experience. The minigames, combined with the unexpected chess integration and rhythm challenges, are nothing short of a stroke of genius, offering players an exciting and unforgettable gameplay tapestry.

However, Sonic Shuffle does have its quirks. The complexity of some minigames and rule intricacies might deter casual players, making it more appealing to those who enjoy diving deep into a game's mechanics. Additionally, the amalgamation of elements might feel overwhelming at times, especially during your initial playthrough.

In conclusion, Sonic Shuffle may not have received the spotlight it deserves, but it's an undeniable masterpiece in its own right. With its captivating minigames, quirky rule mechanics, and a fusion of gameplay elements that might seem odd at first but ultimately work together harmoniously, Sonic Shuffle provides a fresh and exciting alternative to the more well-known party game titles. It's a must-play for Sonic fans and party game enthusiasts alike, offering a unique and memorable experience that's truly one of a kind.

Score: 8.5/10

Monkey Mischief, a game that unfolded in the midst of chaos and controversy, manages to encapsulate both the allure and the pitfalls of experimental gaming. As players delve into this unique experience, they'll find themselves navigating a narrative that weaves together elements of madness, absurdity, and a touch of dark humor.

At its core, Monkey Mischief strives to blend the absurdity of shovelware with an intricate web of characters, events, and conspiracies. The result is a game that can be as bewildering as it is captivating. The Monkey Incident of 2023, a central event within the game's universe, serves as a testament to the creators' ambition to craft an immersive and enigmatic storyline.

The game's portrayal of Racist Duck, a controversial and complex character, stands out as a testament to the developers' willingness to explore dark themes and unconventional narratives. The intertwined conspiracy involving Zooshi Games, Racist Duck, and the nefarious Monkey Mischief: Party Time creates an intriguing backdrop that keeps players engaged, even if they're left scratching their heads at times.

Monkey Mischief's gameplay mechanics, while unconventional, manage to reflect the chaos and unpredictability of its world. The introduction of the "Google bluetooth speaker" as a central gameplay element adds a layer of unique interactivity, as players are exposed to a barrage of eccentric ammunition types, each with its own bizarre effects.

However, the game's ambition can also lead to confusion and frustration. The convoluted storytelling, peppered with references and inside jokes, can alienate players who aren't deeply ingrained in the game's lore. The inclusion of Monkey Mischief: Party Time as a core concept within the game's universe is both a nod to the developers' creativity and a potential point of alienation for those seeking a more straightforward experience.

The visual and auditory design of Monkey Mischief manages to capture the essence of its zany narrative. From the grotesque ammunition types to the absurd scenarios players find themselves in, the game's presentation serves as a testament to the developers' commitment to their vision. However, the chaotic nature of the game's design can sometimes lead to sensory overload, leaving players bewildered rather than enthralled.

In the end, Monkey Mischief's score reflects the undeniable ambition of its creators to craft a truly unique gaming experience. While it falls short in some areas, its willingness to push boundaries and experiment with storytelling mechanics is commendable. Monkey Mischief earns a score of 7/10, an acknowledgment of its potential and the distinctiveness of its narrative, albeit tempered by its occasional lack of clarity and accessibility.

Final Fantasy XIV, a realm that teems with magical wonder and intricate storytelling, is a testament to both the heights of creativity and the depths of frustration. Within its sprawling landscapes, players embark on a journey that balances moments of awe with instances of exasperation, ultimately shaping a unique experience that varies from one adventurer to another.

At the heart of the game lies the enigmatic figure of Rivers Cuomo, a mere one-foot-tall enchanter armed with the power of telekinesis. While this premise might sound intriguing, the execution leaves much to be desired. The frustration of navigating the game world at a sluggish pace, akin to trudging through molasses at a paltry 5 frames per second, creates a stark contrast to the potential grandeur of this character's abilities.

Amidst this mix of brilliance and struggle, Final Fantasy XIV manages to stand above the likes of Team Fortress 2, a game notorious for its stagnant updates. Even at its weakest, FFXIV's worst version outshines the lackluster offerings of other titles, a testament to the dedication of its developers to provide consistent improvements and patches, epitomized by the updates up to version 1.23b.

Yet, it's essential to acknowledge the game's shortcomings. An infuriating lack of functionality can lead to moments of sheer frustration, leading players to humorously contemplate fleeing to the welcoming embrace of Team Fortress 2. This ironic perspective underlines the tumultuous relationship between the player and the game, oscillating between captivating immersion and baffling technical difficulties.

Final Fantasy XIV's journey is an emotional rollercoaster, a complex blend of awe and annoyance that creates a distinct flavor of gameplay. It's a world where a diminutive telekinetic maestro should be able to save a girl's father effortlessly, yet is bound by a sluggish reality. For those willing to endure its quirks, the magic of Eorzea can still enchant, even if the experience is more turbulent than anticipated. Rating: 7.5/10

Final Fantasy XIV, a realm reborn from the ashes of mediocrity, stands as a testament to the power of dedication and genuine care for the gaming community. In a landscape often tainted by subpar shovelware, FFXIV rises like a phoenix, showcasing the true potential of what an MMORPG can be.

From the moment you step into the breathtaking landscapes of Eorzea, you're greeted with an awe-inspiring world that beckons exploration and adventure. Each update is a testament to the developers' commitment to delivering a rich, immersive experience that captivates players. The constant influx of new content ensures that FFXIV never feels stagnant, offering a wealth of gameplay and narrative to sink your teeth into.

One of the most remarkable aspects of FFXIV is its vibrant player base. The sense of community and camaraderie is palpable, a stark contrast to the toxic environments often found in other online games. The absence of youtuber predators and a commitment to fostering a safe space for players contribute to a welcoming atmosphere.

The game's cosmetics, which glow with an ethereal allure, don't come with a hefty price tag, a refreshing departure from the microtransaction-driven culture prevalent in the gaming industry. The diligent developers listen to the community's feedback, resulting in a game that's constantly evolving and improving based on player input.

While FFXIV shines brightly, even the brilliance of Eorzea can't escape comparisons to other beloved franchises. The expectations set by the Fire Emblem series are lofty indeed, and FFXIV, while exceptional in its own right, faces the unenviable task of matching the iconic Fire Emblem: Fire and Ice.

In contrast, the disappointment expressed by certain players is rooted in a longing for what once was. The game's evolution, while embraced by many, doesn't resonate with everyone, and the shift in narrative focus has left some fans yearning for the days of Rivers Cuomo and his unique journey. The combat alterations, while attempting to bring new dynamics, have divided opinions and sparked nostalgia for the telekinetic battles of yore.

In the end, Final Fantasy XIV is a triumph that exemplifies the potential of what an MMORPG can achieve. Its engrossing world, abundant content, and dedicated community make it a standout title in the genre. While it may not fulfill the expectations of being Fire Emblem: Fire and Ice, it carves its own path of excellence. Rating: 9.0/10

List of good things about this game:

Dry Bones
Rituals that Resurrect Ducks

Team Fortress 2 fans waking up for a long day of fighting lobbies full of aimbotting sniper bots, reciting dead memes and complaining about Overwatch:

Almost started screaming at the top of my lungs when I saw this guy in a public store and its because of this game


I can't believe THIS GUY's the manager here

Ice Emlbelsm Firere and Friee. Ike breakdanic. Fire Melnem

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The eternal damnation of your sins awaits as your fate creeps faster and faster towards your inevitable death.

Spin the wheel!

Sorry! if this sounds harsh but everyone involved in the making of this game I just have one question for you...

How old are you? I mean, there's no way anyone on this dev team was above the age of 12 making this game, how could they think most of the material in this game was funny or entertaining? Seriously, I mean that music minigame with the Rabbids covering the song they're singing? Awful, and they have you swing your arms around with the Wii Remote and Nunchuck for the ENTIRE runtime of the song, I look like I'm doing an insane persons dance. They're making me dance like a lunatic while the game is set on the difficulty mode that the second player gets no points. Because of this, the guy below me got MORE POINTS despite doing less of the dance, so why is his worth more than MINE? What, did he

Do the double points dance or something? Why does his get twice the points mine does, I CAME IN SECOND. Anyways, if you're assuming that I wasn't a big fan of this game so far then

Righty-O! you're on the money. But it wasn't ALL awful, there was one game where I had to

Press and hold the A button while shooting at chickens, I guess that one was okay, though now that I think about it I don't think it was the chicken game where I had to hold the A button, oh that's right it was the posing minigame. Sorry, I just pulled a

Switcheroo! in my head there but don't worry, I figured it out. You know what, here's another pet peeve about this game I have, picking the minigame. You have to pick from a list of pre-generated choices in the form of different TV channels, seriously at that point you might as well

Spin the wheel of fate and let that decide for you instead. And here take a guess, seriously, take a guess at

How many players do you think this game can torture at once? EIGHT. ITS EIGHT. This is a new record for shovelware that's never been seen before. It doesn't help that the game balancing is TERRIBLE in this game, at many points I'll find myself saying

That's too hard! when playing a minigame and at other points,

That's too easy! like, they really couldn't find a sane balance between the two. If I had to

Narrow it down between playing this or most other party games, it'd be a pretty easy decision, just saying. And

I know it! I know what you're thinking, "Really, you'd even pick Mario Party 10 over this?" and you know what, you're

Correct! I would pick MP10 over this slop, I can't take playing this game anymore, I CAN'T TAKE IT



False! Okay, entirely

Incorrect! Okay, I'm sorry just

Gimme a moment! to catch my breath and get back on track for this review. Look, if I had to describe this game in just one word, It's pretentious. It insists on itself, It thinks its better than you. It thinks you need to be some highly intelligent, super smart guy to play this but at the same time, also has immature low-IQ gags like the Rabbids running around with different clothing items on their head so they can't see. Shirts, underwear but most commonly, Pants. Who do these devs think they are? Making a game that constantly berates the player for not being smart enough while also having the nerve to make Pants jokes, what do you need to be both of these things at the same time? Must my PANTS be SMART? Would I enjoy this game better if I had some sort of smarty pants? Huh?!? Well you know what, then you should've called the game that to make the player aware of that when they bought it, rather than just thrusting it upon an unsuspecting player such as myself, so you know what, I don't care, I'M going to change the name of this game. I'm going to be the one to save the generations of the future who want to play this game. So from this day forward this game will no longer go by the name Rayman Raving Rabbids: TV Party, no, from this day further, I'd like to once and for all welcome you to a new experience, I'd like to welcome you to something "special". Ladies and gentleman, I'd like to be the first of many to say:

Welcome to Smarty Pants!

I think this game would've been better if they added my favorite video game characters "The Rabbids" from Rabbids Invasion: The Interactive TV Show. If they went "BWAAAHHH" and then the Smarty Pants announcer came in and went "Sorry!" but only before "Heyyy buzzz!" radiated throughout the room with the same inspiring tone used to influence Square Enix to make their best game yet Balan Wonderworld. If only there were a board game that made no sense and had minigames where the result of only two people mattered like Pac-Man Party or there were a quiz show in which both answers kill you anyway like some of my favorite Team Fortress 2 maps, in fact, this game could learn a lot from TF2 like not getting updates, in fact, I'd argue the constant updates to Club Penguin: Game Day! are ruining the game slowly, I mean really, who's idea was it to add a Barrel Blast collab? Or, better yet the new "Daylight" mode where you hold one button and wait for the new $6.99 killer to come get you while doing quicktime events. It's not ALL bad though, I'll admit, I did have some fun in the 6-Man ladder match mode or even when playing the Enkidu special. Despite all of its faults, something about Club Penguin: Game Day! keeps me coming back, I don't know why but I think I enjoy it more than some of my most favorite games. Whether its me putting in my real age and not abusing the system when the game asks "How old are you" or the characters doing the Gangnam Style at random intervals, or maybe its even the Fluster Cluck of Madness that takes place in this Typical TV Party. Whatever it is, there's only one thing I can say for sure.

Club Penguin Game Day must've experienced one hell of a CRUNCH TIME! to make it where it is today.

That's all from me, I need to get back to listening to Weezer and DEMONDICE, they're both in my top 10 most played artists of the month! I was going to have my pet duck write the outro to this one originally, but he kept writing things my lawyer has advised me to remove, Sorry!