It was a nice game and the best COD ever imo but what the fuck was that ending

"At last you found out what the numbers mean. Mason, the truth is, you are the Destroyer of Mid."

Sorry but if you hate this game because it influenced every single other first person shooter in the market to have linear corridor levels with scripted set-pieces and cutscenes, you hate Half-Life by proxy.

You can give Giygas the fate they truly deserved. Too pure for this world.

One of the most polished sidescrolling experiences of the original PlayStation, and maybe even the whole gen.
It's a short game that's also Yoshi's Story levels of babby tier easy. But still feels satisfying enough to beat, and the game makes the most of it's simple mechanics such as using enemies to jump higher, in order to create plenty of engaging platforming sections, specially on latter levels and Balue's Tower.
Admittedly, a lot of it is carried by it's story. It's hard for me to describe it but it has the same charm as something like the original Dragon Ball or Digimon Adventure 02. Whimsical yet not afraid to take a serious turn or have stakes. This game is like a rainbow of soul after the deluge of 'tude mascot slop from the SNES and Genesis era.

Only rating this 3.5 because i want to try Klonoa 2 (and a few of the handheld games to top it off) and see how it compares.

The DOOM of virtual worlds. A game that continues to beat time and planned obsolescence and has succesfully weathered many storms of clickbait latinamerican youtubers. The day Thom Kidrin or whatever other madman can no longer keep this game running is the day where there will be no reason to have an internet connection anymore and we should just commit to installing TempleOS.

Got really dark when the horse character said that they should lower the age of consent

Very short, kinda shallow at least coming from having played Uplink, and repetitive, but it does have it's moments. My favorites being when you mess and battle back and forth with another hacker, the honeypot PC that instantly breaks your security, and when you and get invited to a hacking imageboard. I gotta try the DLC.

Addicting af, but impossible to get. This game borders on lost media

An alright sandbox vehicle building game that was kinda ahead of it's time, doomed to fail by the developers' overconfidence that the gameplay was just so good that people would forgive the tacked-on use of the Banjo-Kazooie IP, as well as just trying to sell a game like this to the Xbox audience that's allergic to all colourful whimsical kiddy things, we all know how that went for Blinx, right?

The biggest praise i can give for this game is that it's better than most of JonTron's content since Flex Tape, which is basically just glorified reaction videos. Nuts-&-Boltsbros won in the end

This was like making a heroin addiction awareness platformer where the spikes are used syringes

I was a fuckin huge fan of this game!! I remember staying up late until like 5:40 trying to beat it. Good times.

It's really sad that there were never any other Dream Factory games nor any other 2D Marios with similar gameplay.

My fondest memory with this game was bullying pussy-ass white gamecube-owning kids who couldn't play better sandbox games than this trash.