I get it, the Sega Saturn version looks ever so slightly better. Still playing the the PS1 version tho. Tweeking if you think Im finna play a first-person game that rinky dinky ass Saturn controller. Game still slaps tho, shits swagged up off the wazoo.

This is possibly the last GTA game with any moniker of swag. It absolutely had some goated influences, one thing I noticed is how it takes some stylistic notes from the Pusher Series of movies by Nicolas Winding Refn. Both the films and GTAIV share similar aesthetics from the length of the camera lens being pretty wide and the color grading being really high contrast and drab with distinct colors for different weather and times of day, which are all very attentional. I see a lot of people installing mods to get rid of the color grading and to me that feels like a spit in the face of the art director's and creative directors' faces, I view games very similar to other mediums like movies, books, animation, and film where the creator's vision is pure and etched in stone even if it sucks and any effort to change it is low key some tasteless shit to do. anyway this game is pretty fucking goated differently a top ranking gta game

Having to follow up GTA SA and the Stories game is no easy feat and I feel confident in saying GTAIV knocks it out of the park with a real ass immigrant story and a quote I think about a lot that lives in my head some ups the tone of the game perfectly, “Immigrant is a slave class in this country”

This game is so peak it's insane. 2023 goty imo. Shits anime as fuck but in the best way possible. goated ost when they let Kota Hoshino cook for like 3 songs but compared the their previous games this ost is a bit of a step down, but still very good. fuck anyone who just runs boring meta builds in PVP/ranked I still slap you mfs around no trouble you just look stupid trying to get effortless wins and still losing to someone who doesn't run meta, STOOPID.

Let's hope Iga makes a spiritual successor to his break out hit Nano Breaker next

Fuck that final boss I don't feel like doing all that bullshit, I literally was just maining Zegram and Lilika so the rest of the crew got no love from me after the 30-hour mark. the weapon leveling system is actually a fucking slog holy shit, if you play this you'll see why I only focused on like 3-4 characters managing all that bullshit is actually headache-inducing and just straight-up not fun. the game has its redeeming features like the world setting and characters but after that 30-40 hour mark shit becomes a slog that just wastes your time with an average story and repetitive gamely.

Yeah man. This shit is not as good as some people made it out to be. Halfway through I just started smashing through character dialogue and skipping side quests. The upgrade system actually sucks takes away pretty much any player choice, the sword you upgrade to is usually just better making the previous kinda useless until you need it for crafting a better sword when the games story decides it's appropriate. Player freedom mostly comes from the combat which is very good for an action RPG but things quickly stop being about what crazy combos can I do on a enemy and more what's the most effective DPS combo to get fights over with quicker. Overall this game is like a b tier dmc game with a bloated story/length trying to convince you it's a RPG