Very cute and stylized adventure game. If you're a fan of Moomin (like me) you'll love it.

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emotionally i am done
mentally i am drained
spirtually i feel dead
physically i am exhausted

Been 4 years since I played it and man I gotta say this game manages to be the most cumbersome game at times. Online experience (trying to get real people for Max Raids or trying to do surprise trades) is absolutely bogged down by multiple bots and hacked Pokemon that massively take away from the experience you'd have at launch. Wild Area is still gross looking, barren, and empty. Character designs are still this game's biggest saving grace. The finale against Eternatus is still the coolest part of this entire game.
The added on DLC does help a little in terms of QoL such as expanded Pokemon availability and ability to give GMax to any Pokemon, and Isle of Armor at least has the foresight to scale levels based on whether you've beaten the game or not, but Crown Tundra is broken beyond belief. You can run in, lose to Peony, then go get a free Level 70 Suicune to make a joke of the entire campaign, AND you can keep going into DMax Adventures to get a full team of Lvl 70 legendaries quite literally as soon as you hit the Wild Area in the main campaign if you choose to, because Pokemon will still listen to you because they aren't traded over.

I messed up and missed two star shards because of reasons but this games way better than Shadow Dragon on DS.

Strong follow up in terms of gameplay. Story doesn't feel as strong as Ys VIII's but if you liked that game I can guarantee you'll like this one too.

Absolutely fantastic game. I saw it for sale online for $20 and thought "What the hell?" I've been into the monster collecting genre for a long time and have been trying to find something that scratches that itch like old Pokemon games did for me back in the day. This game absolutely delivers. The monster designs, the difficulty, the story, the writing, all of it are what kept me enthralled as I played. If you enjoy games like Pokemon you owe it to yourself to give this game a try, you won't regret it.

Over 10 years since I played it for the first time it's still good.

1 star for every good game in the trilogy

I don't have a good enough review so I'll just list the fun facts I remember.

Horseshoe crabs have blue blood.
Female horseshoe crabs are typically larger than males.
Horseshoe crabs typically lay up to 40,000 eggs during spawning season.
Horseshoe crabs molt many times over their lifespan.
There are four extant species of horseshoe crabs.
They can survive on land for several days.
The front part of the shell is called prosoma.
The horseshoe crab breathes through book gills.
Horseshoe crabs usually crawl, but can swim as well.
They have four pairs of eyes, plus several other eyes.
Cracks in the shell will heal slowly over time.
Males have special grasping claws for holding females.
The tail is called a telson, and is not a stinger.
Horseshoe crabs are actually arhtropods, not crabs.
Horseshoe crabs may live for up to 20 years.
Horseshoe crabs have been around for over 300 million years.
They are found in Asia and eastern North America.

anyways rip 3ds

Fantastic spin on mystery genre with a really unique aesthetic. I'll admit at times I had to look things up solely for clarification on how to input some of the fates, as well as just guessing to try to figure out others, but this game really has everything you need to play it completely blind and it feels super satisfying when you get a notification that you're correct.

It was ok. Better than botw but thats not saying much.

This game's like, not good. The puzzles are so dumbed down and easy enough for a child to solve. Almost every puzzle boils into, walk into room, interact with something that literally has the answer just written on it word for word, then input it into whatever puzzle is presented.
The story is hardly compelling until Journey into Lost Memories where I feel like there are characters that are worth getting invested in. The Trace Memory half is so stale and boring I almost didn't even feel compelled to finish the collection.
The voice acting is, really bad, at least the direction is, every character sounds like they're reading off a script and I can't speak for the translation but the dialogue feels like it was translated by a machine.
If you're desperate for a VN/puzzle game then go for it I guess but if you have the means I'd wager the DS/Wii versions are the superior way to experience these judging from what I've seen others say.

Haven’t played gen 5 since I beat Black 2 when it came out. Decided to play White 2 Challenge mode to see if this game is actually harder than the newer ones. I’ve discovered Pokémon was never a hard franchise you just have to grind. Still a refreshing experience that holds a lot of charm I feel like newer gens lack severely.

The most video game of all time.