Another Team Ninja game I just have to drop. I felt like I just didn't vibe with the combat as much as I did in the first game (that could just be me changing as a person more so than actual differences in the games). To me, I don't feel like any weight behind the combat. I'm kind of just swinging my weapon, and then i get knocked on my ass. I know its all skill issue, but I genuinely just don't understand how I'm supposed to play this game, cause it just requires way more awareness(?) than I'm going to give it. The Red Counter system is just way too fucking much to ask of me when all the red counter attacks are fast and the input for it is fucking Right Trigger + B. I am never in a position where I can do that quickly enough.

I am dissappointed by the fist weapons, not nearly as cool as I would have hoped. Odachi's kick ass though, glad Elden Ring is finally gonna have them. And as always, the character creator is great.

Reviewed on Mar 13, 2024


1 month ago

whens stranger of paradise - their only good game since ninja gaiden ii or like, doa5

1 month ago

@chandler whenever I can get a good deal. Nioh 2 was only because it was $12 on the humble monthly. SoP is like the only one im excited for.