It was peak when i was like 3 but idk how it holds up now.

Classic Cod experience. Still holds a place in my heart. Ill never forget the fun cheats.

Another classic, Never got a nuke in game but this campaign was also good.

I didn't like this one as much as the previous 2 but it still was fun. Price kicking you was peak.

Classic Blops. I always loved the arcade mode the most.

The campaign was strange but good. multiplayer was super fun.

Campaign was mid, Multiplayer was PTW, But the zombies peaked here.

This Game jumped the shark and sent the series into a downward spiral it never recovered from. plus it gave me a gambling addiction for some time.

This game was the moment i left the franchise for good. Doubling down on the future shit, Holding a better game hostage through the special edition, and then ruining that game with resold dlc and also lootboxes. Just Awful.

My first Battlefield game. have some awesome memories of this game.

It was fun, Didn't like it as much but its still was good.

Played this when i was younger. i still want to finish it one day.

Almost beat this game back when it came out. got stuck on the elite 4. I will sweep them one day.

I didn't beat this yet but i gave it a high rating for being the reason i got gifted a new2dsXL.

Another pokemon game i will one day beat...